Not hearing a lot of positive things about current products and new products because of the Japanese earthquake.

The latest info I've received says all of Canon, Nikon and Sony are still unsure what the near future is going to bring.

Canon may be in fact delaying new product announcements. I was told every executive within Canon is being told to “prepare for the worst”. Sales reps are being told not to say anything.

I do not personally know anything about the rolling blackouts and “dead zone” expansion in Japan around Canon manufacturing facilities.

I've received no word whether or not Canon is looking at moving some manufacturing to different countries.

Pricing Rising
As  a lot of you have probably noticed, camera equipment is getting more expensive and disappearing from shelves. There's lots of out of stock items around various stores.

A lot of retailers are getting or close to getting MSRP for camera stuff. This is not going to change quickly.

All rebate programs that were planned have been cancelled for the most part. I'm still looking around to see if any are still a go.

Recent Rumblings
I'm not sure what to make of recent product announcement rumblings, whether things have leaked because plans have changed.


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