Onscreen Audio Meters
“It isn't perfect by a long shot, but we're making very swift progress this holiday weekend. I found the VRAM and was able to write a small task that monitors the audio levels at 30 Hz and draws a very simple level meter on the top of the screen. It is calibrated with 5 dB tick marks, but the ballistics are bad and it isn't synced with the redraw period (causing it to flicker), but we're running real code doing real work on the camera!”
From Cinema5D
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indeed i do ;)
except its already there and simply uncommented
i am pretty sure Canon is having a close look on that project and i hope that Canon is reacting to this with a original Canon solution.
But if they succeed without any consequences using this hack, awesome!!!
I’m beginning to suspect that Canon is never going to give us 5DMkII users manual control and 24p, it’s already been 6 months since release. I really hope I’m wrong, but I think the reason is that it would directly compete with their XL series. If that’s the case, I wish the best for you engineers who can safely hack it for us. I doubt 24p is an easy hack since it’s a codec issue, but manual controls over shutter, aperture and iso in liveview mode should be within reach hopefully. I personally use external audio solutions so this update in particular is not that interesting for me, but still very cool to know that you are able to hack it.
Making firmware run slower (24/25P) should be much easier than making firmware run faster (30P). There is more time to do all the compression, and the camera might complain less with the ‘slow’ 30 MB/sec CF cards. I was told by Samys Camera that 30 MB/sec (i.e. the old SanDisk Extreme III, or the new Ultra II cards) aren’t adequate and I really need 60 MB/sec. I ran into camera shut-downs when doing fast pans with a 400 mm lens. Does anyone agree with this?