A new community
It's good to see the 5D Mark II videographer community start to come together. They've launched their own forums.

banner - Community Profile - Cinema 5D

Get involved: http://www.cinema5d.com/


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  1. Pingback: Communauté vidéo autour du Canon 5D Mark II | Time2shoot

  2. I can’t browse Cinema 5D. Why?

    Well, my only post critiquing the improper grammar and abundance of misused apostrophes littering the site was deleted. No action was taken to rectify the issue.

    For a site tailoring to professional gear, I feel insulted participating when faced with unprofessional, prominent language constructs. I shouldn’t have to see “Full Rig’s” and cringe every time I visit the site.

  3. Photographer/Videographer on

    I don’t see “full rig’s” often there.

    And if it makes you feel better, there are some other “professional” forums where posts are deleted , account disabled without notice nor previous advice, and only due to admin’s disliking the kind of post (even when it wasn’t offensive nor harmful at all)

    So, the lesson for me is to try to be friendly everywhere, post constructive topics whenever possible, don’t criticize (as almost everyone do), avoid ironic comments, and be happy.

    There are always, everywhere, good and helpfull people, Although they might not be the most common to find…

  4. You poor thing.

    Life’s tough, but I am sure you will pull through.

    Chin up soldier.

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