patent - In Body Stabilization Patent?

Patent Fun
I like to lead with the following, I am the worst reader of patent language on planet earth.

I've been sent an email explaining this patent.

“The image pickup element vibrationproof circuit 172 cancels vibration of an image by moving the image pickup element 127” and “Here, an image pickup element vibrationproof mechanism 171 connected to the image pickup element vibrationproof circuit 172 shifts and rotates the image pickup element 127 in the direction to cancel shakes of the image so as to prevent the resolution of the image from being lost as the image rolls.”

Is this in body stabilization that works together with in lens stabilization? The language of it seems to suggest so to me.

Also notice the GPS circuit, Digital TV Tuner and Wireless Communication Circuit.

What say you?

Read The Full Patent:

thanks sean


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  1. Michael B 66 on

    I thought the same at the first glimpse but I am shure that they do _different_ corrections:

    * lens IS corrects variations of the angle and some image shift.

    * sensor IS corrects _rotations_ which cannot be corrected by a simple lens group dedicated to IS actions

    So – both IS components (lens, sensor) correct DIFFERENT TASKS – peaceful coexistence ;-)

  2. WE do not need gps in a camera LOL

    If this can be implemented without a price increase of course but if we dont need it and the price comes down – EVEN BETTER.

    GEO-TAGGING my photos is waaaaaaaaay down my list. it might be up there on yours but i know of other features that could of more priority.

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