Contest Over
I knew I should have done the back of the camera, that was too easy!

Congrats to the winners.
Free T-Shirts!

I have four T-Shirts left to give away before I order more.

Sizes Available:
XL (2 of them)
L (2 of them)

The Contest
Name that Camera!

Below is a picture of a Canon Camera. You have to tell us what it is.

How to play
1) In the comments section tell us what camera it is and what your t-shirt size.

2) Be sure to fill in the email field so I can contact you if you win.

How to win
1) The first two people that get it right for “XL” and the first two that get it right for “L”, win.

2) I'll run the contest until we have 4 winners. I won't reveal the answer until then.

If you have a t-shirt already, please don't enter again. I have all your addresses!

2) If you're a Small or Medium shirt size, please abstain from this one. I'll cloth you another time.

gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - Reader Appreciation Mini Contest
What Camera is This? | Click For Larger

Go to it


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