From Bill Wadman
Like I've said in the past, I love write ups by real people. This is a good quick read.

Thanks Bill

Just curious…. how many people cover the “Canon” badge on their cameras?

I'm going to give away one more T-Shirt. This one is simple, send me a great photo… just one. Best photo gets the T-Shirt.

Submit to: [email protected]

Try to keep the images under 1024px H & W. I'll post the winning shot here with your contact info and a link to your photos if you'd like.


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  1. Covering the logo’s is a wrong understanding of understatement.

    There is absolutely no point in covering the logo’s, no matter what brand you use. The camera simply gets uglier with a black tape, or something like that, on the logo. And it will not cover the brand, because anybody knows from the far distance, how a Nikon or a Canon looks like. If the strap has got overlarge letters for your taste, simply use another strap for a few bucks.

    Covering logo’s reminds me on people, who are posting tiny 320 x 200 pixel versions of there photos and covering it completely with their own “logo”, just because they fear, anybody could steal their shitty shot.

    Sorry, that’s just my impression.

  2. there might be a simple reason to it – the bright white stands out if the camera is reflected somewhere in the pic. makes you wonder why there’s a reversed ‘Canon’ somewhere in the dark area.

  3. I’m also had to take tape because the D400 has a small green light to show the camera is on and some red lights when the picture is made. Thats very bad if I walk around in a dark jazz club. It looks like a Glühwürmchen/glowfly/lightning bug and take too much attention from the audience.

    Taping the logos is a question of the way of living. I don’t like big logos at products (t-shirts and jackets included) so I tape some of them.

  4. I fill in the lettering with hobby paint and I tape up or remove the badges! As for the original strap, throw it away, it’s the ugliest strap I have her seen. I replace it with a simple domke strap.

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