Some Fun Stuff
Here are a few shots sent to me from Vancouver. Canon is clearly making its presence felt.

4357519948 bcd3740ab9 o - The Olympics & Canon
You know what's sad? I didn't even notice the woman | Photo of Lisa Bettany | Click for Lisa's Twitter
4367079593 e6d78568c8 o - The Olympics & Canon
5D Mark II Mini
The Sea of Canon Minis
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  1. What a dream…

    Beautiful, brilliant woman, and a room full of Canon “L” lenses.

    That scene is to eye candy, what a nuclear bomb is to a firecracker.


  2. I guess the pic was taken a day or two before the action started. Right now, most of these lenses are probably rented out to the pros.

  3. Murphy’s law is something to take into account. But some new Photographers and old also just do not have the money to buy 2 800L lenses.. or multiple types of different lenses,

    it just a good service.

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