Canon has discontinued the Canon EOS M6 Mark II


Canon Rumors Premium
Jul 21, 2010
So you buy a crop body it comes with a kit lens. The EF-s lens doesn't need to leave your kit just because you bought a FF body. It still fits on the crop body it came with. My 5D II and 50D went on many rides together over the course of several years.
I skipped the kit lens with my T1i/500D, and bought the EF-S 17-55/2.8 instead. After switching to a 7D, I got the 5DII with 24-105/4L and the IQ was so much better that I stopped using the 7D with anything other than the 100-400L. Once the 1D X arrived, I sold the 5DII but hung onto the 7D, expecting to use it for 'reach' but the keeper rate and IQ were better with the 1D X so I sold the 7D as well.
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Photos/Photo Book Reviews:
Jul 20, 2010
Springfield, IL
...they knew quite well how often people followed that migration path when they intentionally chose to design out the ability to mount RF lenses on M bodies.
I doubt it was that simple. When Canon announced the RF mount they made it pretty clear that they only reluctantly introduced the new mount because they simply could not achieve the kinds of innovations they intend with new mirrorless lenses using the EF mount. If they could not make the EF mount work, then I doubt they "intentionally chose to design out" compatibility with M bodies. More likely, there was no reasonable way to make it work. That's also consistent with the theory that the M System was something of a mirrorless test bed for Canon.
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What a surprise, some guy on the internet has taken to calling others idiots when he doesn't agree with them. Shocker.

If you want to get super technical and start splitting hairs, fine. At that level, I'm wrong, however the fact remains that EF glass mounted on an M body just works and doesn't require (as far as I can tell) an intermediary translator board in the adapter to translate between the two mounts. For me, that's effectively pass-through. Not passthrough would be something like MFT to EF.

It's pretty clear you have an overwhelming desire to be right and come out on top at the expense of disparaging others, and I have other things to do, so I'll step off and let you declare your victory over me. If you're actually like that in real life, I'd spend as little time as possible around you. This could have evolved into a discussion about what the actual differences were, but alas... people...
I mean... you were wrong. That's about the most begrudging way to admit it, but at least you did. No need to lash out. Being factually incorrect isn't "disagreeing". Neuro can be strident and brusque but he's tirelessly countered nonsense* on this site longer than I've been here.

*not calling your statements nonsense, I haven't paid close enough attention to what you've been saying tbh
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Canon Rumors Premium
Jul 21, 2010
I doubt it was that simple. When Canon announced the RF mount they made it pretty clear that they only reluctantly introduced the new mount because they simply could not achieve the kinds of innovations they intend with new mirrorless lenses using the EF mount. If they could not make the EF mount work, then I doubt they "intentionally chose to design out" compatibility with M bodies. More likely, there was no reasonable way to make it work. That's also consistent with the theory that the M System was something of a mirrorless test bed for Canon.
It would have been relatively simple for them to make the RF flange distance sightly longer to accommodate an RF-M adapter.

But you may be correct that even a few millimeters would have meant more design compromises than they were willing to make.

Still, optically it would certainly have been possible for them to make an RF mount compatible with M cameras, If that was the most important consideration involved in the decision. The fact remains that they chose not to do so.
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Canon Rumors Premium
Jul 21, 2010
In the USA, the M6 II is still carried by Best Buy, Amazon, B&H, and Adorama. They must not read the internet. :)
I’m sure they’ll get the official word soon enough. When they do, no doubt they will put it on deeply discounted clearance. I expect that very soon I will be able to buy one for $200, from my local Best Buy with curbside pick up.

They can bring it out to the flying pig parked in space #3.
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Photos/Photo Book Reviews:
Jul 20, 2010
Springfield, IL
...Still, optically it would certainly have been possible for them to make an RF mount compatible with M cameras, If that was the most important consideration involved in the decision. The fact remains that they chose not to do so.
Yes. And while I tend to agree with you that the main reason was that Canon sees the M and R as two separate markets, it is also not unreasonable for some people to see it as evidence that Canon was less than committed to the M line when they were developing the R system.
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Desperately seeking birds
Canon Rumors Premium
Aug 16, 2012
I’m sure they’ll get the official word soon enough. When they do, no doubt they will put it on deeply discounted clearance. I expect that very soon I will be able to buy one for $200, from my local Best Buy with curbside pick up.

They can bring it out to the flying pig parked in space #3.
Flying pig - most apt. Spending the night in Heathrow T5 in preparation for my first flight since November 2019. I got the first M discounted heavily. Never regretted it.
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Canon Rumors Premium
Jul 21, 2010
Yes. And while I tend to agree with you that the main reason was that Canon sees the M and R as two separate markets, it is also not unreasonable for some people to see it as evidence that Canon was less than committed to the M line when they were developing the R system.
Your logic escapes me, or at least the logic you are ascribing to those people. APS-C cameras comprise 85-90% of the ILC market, and we’re talking about a putative upgrade path, i.e., APS-C owners buying a FF camera.

While I’m sure there are some people who buy an APS-C camera with a plan to subsequently buy a FF camera, I suspect far more people who upgrade initially picked APS-C because of the lower cost and sometime later realized they wanted more/better/etc., leading to a FF purchase. To the extent that’s true, the lack an M to R upgrade path, given the far larger APS-C market, would show less of a commitment by Canon to the R line.

Having said that, during the development of the R series, DSLRs comprised a strong majority of the ILC market and Canon ensured lens compatibility there.
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As someone that made the switch to Fujifilm for travel, I would love to share my experiences with you - if you had any questions. Just get ready for a comically large step backwards in all things autofocus.
And the budget conscious shifting to Fuiifilm hopefully won’t need a wide-angle zoom like the 11-22. Theirs is painfully expensive…a shame if the M mount goes away, it offers so much for our money.
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EOS R6 Mark Ⅱ
Sep 7, 2021
Or maybe it's just a rumor. And that's all it will be until Canon says it is discontinued.

Rumor sites jut love to discontinue items. Some of them - miraculously - turn out to not be discontinued after all.
The M6II is still being sold on the Canon Japan store.

Individual geographies set their prices (based on HQ guidance) and product mix. If ‘reports from two different countries’ doesn’t include Canon's home country, then it's not really discontinued by Canon. It just means that local Canon management in a couple of countries have decided to stop selling it. Which countries? CRguy doesn't say. Maybe Tuvalu and Liechtenstein.

Regardless, it doesn't mean the EOS M6 II has been discontinued by Canon. Or if you believe that two countries deciding to stop selling the M6 II means that it is discontinued, then you must also believe that because the M2 was not sold in USA or Canada, the M2 was never made by Canon.
Nah,In store page all M6II model marked [Sell ended],cannot add to cart.
btw,canon japan website camera lineup page marked M6II [few stock left] from february
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Canon Rumors Premium
Jul 21, 2010
Deep discounts happen when there is a large excess inventory. If Canon intended to discontinue the M6 II, it would have quit manufacturing it many months ago. When there are comparatively few units left, a company can dribble them out at a higher price.
Please read the part about the flying pig. ;)
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Canon Rumors Premium
Jul 6, 2017
Davidson, NC
I have looked at some of the M series, mainly the M50 three years ago. I had a really good first impression, but decided by that fall to go with the pocketable G5X II for travel instead. I had had good luck with the G7X II for travel. I have thought about getting an M-series camera, but never came up with an idea of what I would use it for. My FF DSLR is no bother when I am not far from home or going by car. Another camera I would like to have is the Fuji “medium format.” But there again I decided I wouldn’t suddenly become an avid landscape photographer just because I had spent $10K on a camera and a couple lenses. I never have occasion to use my Rebel any more, so I obviously don’t really need the “reach” from a crop sensor. I don’t chase flying birds or shoot wildlife. (Though I can enjoy others’ shots of them.) My 100–400mm zoom is more than adequate for my telephoto needs.

I will mention my one non-kit EF-S lens, the 10–22mm. I shot interiors for a Realtor with it and my T3i. Results were great, and it was the last time I made any money from photography.
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Blue Zurich

Traditional Grip
Jan 22, 2022
I have looked at some of the M series, mainly the M50 three years ago. I had a really good first impression, but decided by that fall to go with the pocketable G5X II for travel instead. I had had good luck with the G7X II for travel. I have thought about getting an M-series camera, but never came up with an idea of what I would use it for. My FF DSLR is no bother when I am not far from home or going by car. Another camera I would like to have is the Fuji “medium format.” But there again I decided I wouldn’t suddenly become an avid landscape photographer just because I had spent $10K on a camera and a couple lenses. I never have occasion to use my Rebel any more, so I obviously don’t really need the “reach” from a crop sensor. I don’t chase flying birds or shoot wildlife. (Though I can enjoy others’ shots of them.) My 100–400mm zoom is more than adequate for my telephoto needs.

I will mention my one non-kit EF-S lens, the 10–22mm. I shot interiors for a Realtor with it and my T3i. Results were great, and it was the last time I made any money from photography.
The 10-22 was the little brother in terms of FL and value to the EF 16-35 f/4L. Loved that lens when I shot with a 60D/7D.
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Canon Rumors Premium
Jul 6, 2017
Davidson, NC
The 10-22 was the little brother in terms of FL and value to the EF 16-35 f/4L. Loved that lens when I shot with a 60D/7D.
Since I got the 6D2, I now use the EF 16–35 f/4L, and I think it is great. So I really have everything covered for my purposes in cameras and lenses, with the possible exception of the 24mm TS-E. I rented it and had fun, but concluded that it would not get enough use for me to own. i can always rent one for a week or so if some use comes along. Even with a bit too much money in two checking accounts (from not going much of anywhere for two years), I am not experiencing much of a case of GAS in the photo realm. My Mac Studio (significantly upgraded but not Ultra) will be delivered in June. So that will be my new toy for a while.
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Automotive, Commercial, & Motorsports
Canon Rumors Premium
Apr 2, 2015
Tampa, FL
Interesting. Wich bodies precisely?
I had an X-E4 and about 8 months later also added an X-T4...then I became so frustrated with the X-E4's screen issue I sold it and got the X-T30II when it was released this January. Both of those cameras, the X-T4 and X-T30II represent the best Fujifilm has to offer in terms of the camera's autofocusing. I've found both cameras to be pretty unreliable with tracking as the cameras often will be locked on a subject and then go check on something else for a while, before returning or losing the subject entirely. Face Detection is so inconsistent and completely uncontrollable (other than selecting another face it "finds" in the frame) that you should leave that feature off 100% of the time...this is an area the M6II was a monster with. It's so bad that I honestly believe they shouldn't even list it as something the camera can even do.

Unfortunately, it's not JUST with AF-C tracking.....with shooting real estate, I've shot with the 5D Mark IV, M6II, R6, R5, and R3 using Dual Pixel for probably 5+ years. I have maybe missed focus less than 10 times after AF confirmation in some normal/poorly lit rooms. I used the X-T4 and XF10-24 for 3 listings so far and it has missed multiple times in each home I shot. So it's a very big surprise to me, given my experience autofocusing in the typical poor light I come across.

So you may ask "then why do you still use these cameras if they focus as poorly as I say?" Because I've never had more fun using any digital camera than I have using any Fuji camera and lens. It's absolutely fun to take photos and allows me to separate my work gear and fun gear. I don't regret finding the "goldilocks" camera for me from Fuji.
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Canon Fanboy
Aug 19, 2019
Late to the thread.

This does NOT surprise me.

Coming from an 80D APC-C with a fair number of "red ring" lenses snob viewpoint;

I was seriously considering buying into the "M" system; as a travel rig. . . but while one or two *lenses* were interesting; most were F6.3-F7.1 crud. I was seeing a few bodies released each year. . .but nothing worthwhile in terms of lenses. This shied me away from the entire product line. I now use a G5x-II for travel. Or an iPhone. Works well enough.

As for the RF line. . . . . . well. . . . mirrorless is hardly earthshattering in my mind.. . .but still . . .I am not adverse to investing a few $K in a fancy new body with the newest wizbang features. Especially if it's an upgrade to FF. HOWEVER. . . the lenses. . . .I have to use a converter to use all my existing lenses? And all the native RF lenses are likely $750-$1000 higher in cost to the perfectly fine EF equivalents.? Ummm. . . .no. . . . . A proper conversion is not $3K for a body; but $10K for a body and 2 or three choice zoom lenses? ummmm. . . no.. . .

Just NO.

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And back to the point: What makes me think I would want a body with a RF "APS-C" format? What lenses am I attaching to that body? More overpriced F6.3 - F 7.1 crud?

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If I am going to start from scratch. . . why would I chose Canon over Sony?
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Bob Howland

Canon Rumors Premium
Mar 24, 2012
Late to the thread.

This does NOT surprise me.

Coming from an 80D APC-C with a fair number of "red ring" lenses snob viewpoint;

I was seriously considering buying into the "M" system; as a travel rig. . . but while one or two *lenses* were interesting; most were F6.3-F7.1 crud. I was seeing a few bodies released each year. . .but nothing worthwhile in terms of lenses. This shied me away from the entire product line. I now use a G5x-II for travel. Or an iPhone. Works well enough.

As for the RF line. . . . . . well. . . . mirrorless is hardly earthshattering in my mind.. . .but still . . .I am not adverse to investing a few $K in a fancy new body with the newest wizbang features. Especially if it's an upgrade to FF. HOWEVER. . . the lenses. . . .I have to use a converter to use all my existing lenses? And all the native RF lenses are likely $750-$1000 higher in cost to the perfectly fine EF equivalents.? Ummm. . . .no. . . . . A proper conversion is not $3K for a body; but $10K for a body and 2 or three choice zoom lenses? ummmm. . . no.. . .

Just NO.

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And back to the point: What makes me think I would want a body with a RF "APS-C" format? What lenses am I attaching to that body? More overpriced F6.3 - F 7.1 crud?

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If I am going to start from scratch. . . why would I chose Canon over Sony?
I use a G7X for travel. The M system has been a big disappointment.
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Lux pictor
Sep 25, 2021
Perspective can be an incredible thing, especially in forum discussions!

Regarding the value of the Canon EF-M platform, it depends on what a person's needs are. It's an affordable, easy-to-use entry-mid level system with very portable camera bodies, a quality APSC sensor and lightweight lenses. For the majority of everyday Canon camera buyers that only purchase a single camera with one or two kit lenses and are done, these are great value for money kits, which will do just about everything that the majority of the market needs. It's a complete and mature platform with a small handful of lenses, in case buyers needs might extend beyond the basic kit lenses. For anyone wanting to progress from a smartphone to mirrorless camera, this platform is ideal. The M50 cameras have been really popular as easy to use video cam,eras for many YouTubers and vloggers, and also as affordable mirrorless APSC stills camera. More advanced users can adapt EF and EF-S lenses for more versatility. Considering the target market, price and the compromises necessary for ultra-portability, this platform has its limitations. It's great for what it is, as consumers are voting with their wallets to confirm this! If we keep in mind that everyone else does not necessarily have the same needs as members of this forum, things make more sense. It's also a fallacy that the latest and greatest, most expensive photo gear is necessary to be able to take great photos. For a lot of people, Canon's M-system is plenty, for some , it's a bad fit for their needs. So who is right? It's an invalid apples to oranges comparison to argue the worth of the platform from the point of very differing needs perspectives.

Yes, the Canon EOS M6 Mark II is being discontinued, and it's not in Russia!

For anyone who read the story about the Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense video release where a Ukrainian soldier disassembles a Russian Orlan-10 unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) military surveillance drone, the soldier found that the primary image capture camera was a Canon EOS Rebel T6i (AKA 750D), a DSLR camera launched in 2015. Incidentally, the mounting panel had a Canon/Sony switch!

Whether it's related to this incident or not, Canon Europe (Canon EMEA), which is the strategic headquarters for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa and is based in London and Amstelveen, announced that it suspends all its product deliveries into Russia. Their official statement was:

“The violence and destruction being caused by the military attacks on Ukraine is shocking to all of us. We share our heartfelt concerns for our colleagues and the Ukrainian people whose lives have been deeply affected. As part of the world-wide relief efforts supporting Ukraine, we are donating to international aid and humanitarian organizations in Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Moldova, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia. As of earlier this week, Canon EMEA suspended all product deliveries into Russia. We continue monitoring the fast-evolving situation and developments. We stand united in desire for peace”

The ban on sales to Russia isn't only on Rebel DSLRs used in military drones, nor M6 MKII mirorless camera, it is all products, meaning everything! This is different to a discontinued product.

So which countries has the Canon EOS M6 Mark II is being discontinued in? Searching though Canon US, CAN, UK, AU, and their retailers we find:
US - available
CAN - available
UK - available
AU - discontinued

It looks like Canon Australia has definitely discontinued the M6 Mark II. If anyone can find the second country, that would be great! :)
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