What's your "lens that won't be made"

Some of these sound good, but they would be so large and/or heavy (or impossible) as to be non-starters for me.

Along similar lines are the OP and another, I would pay for a 35-50/60 f2 IS. My least used FL's that I don't want to have to have slow zooms and fast primes covering for the occasions I need them. I'd rather keep this lens light then have it go to 70+ and be heavy and keep my sig 85 1.4.

Failing that, I'd settle for a 50 f2 IS before christmas.

135 f2 IS if not too heavy
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EOS M(ediochre)
Jun 12, 2012
There is that sentence I believe from H. Ford? 'If I would have asked my customers what they want they would have asked for faster horses"

Canon and all other lens manufactures are cought in this Special triangle of Forces: Technical feasibility, Price and the ability of the customer to see the benefit.

Cutting edge Technology costs Money and so making your customers see the benefit is critical.
I believe a lot of lenses (at least those which do not defy physics) could be build or have been build in the past and either never aligned the customers behind them or never would do so in the required quantities.

The 50mm 0.95 and the 200mm 1.8 from Canon are fossils now because they did not achieve this ballance.
The Tamron 28-135 2.8 and the non OS Sigma 50-150 2.8 shared the same fate for different reasons.

I have bought the Tokina 11-16 2.8 and the Sigma 18-35 2.0 because pages like CR educated me about the specific abilities These lenses have. Will the Mainstream customer ever consider buying a zoom lens with 5mm zoom capacity?

I often wondered why Canon puts effort in releasing a boring lens seeming to be without any apeal to me and than learning that this is the holy grail for Astros, BIFs or Porn Producers.

In my eyes Canon does not a good Job in educating the main customer base in developing an interest in niche products.

Like always: please forgive all the spelling mistakes, I type in English on a forced german spell checker...
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EF-S 250-500mm 6.3 STM IS for $600. Same optical and build quality of the 55-250 stm, this is one of the greatest lenses i have used at anywhere close to the price you can buy it at $150 once you put a lens hood on. Every first time SLR or even long time SLR shooter that has anything to do with wildlife, birds and maybe even sports will buy this lens no ifs ands or buts...hell it may just convert a few Sigma and Tamron 150-600mm users back over to Canon. A silent great picture wide open at 6.3 with great servo tracking at 500mm for $600...yummy but it will never happen.
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Going through the lineup of lenses I already have and those available out there, I find it very difficult to say that I am in need of a lens that won´t be made. I would have preferred a 28mm f1.4L to the 35mm f1.4L II. I never thought one would be made, but since Zeiss is bringing an Otus out, it might be that Canon might be considering the same. I would love the Otus, but at 1,35kg it is simply too heavy. I expect updates of the 50 and 85 1.2L lenses to come out in the foreseeable future, so I´ll live happily with my Otus lenses until then. A few months back I would say a 600 f4 DO, but that may well be coming. A TS-E macro lens seems to be coming ... Maybe a really compact L-class DO superzoom. 16-200, or something like that, with a decent max aperture ...

I guess the conclusion is that I already have more and better gear than my artistic and technical abilities can exploit and the only reason for making changes would be that something breaks (never happens) or my weak character is tempted with something new (happens all the time).
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