The missing menu at the top is on purpose.
Grr, everything is ok now. Apparently IE can't handle anything a bit wacky!

I'm not sure why, but all of a sudden IE doesn't show the menus on the right hand side. Every other browser seems to work fine.

Something is busted on the site

I'll try to figure it out asap.


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  1. It is probably a clearFix issue with floating divs. IE sucks big dongs in this regard. What I do is create a css class specifically to clear them and then put a div with the class between my floats.

    man I hate IE….

  2. I have no idea what you just said!

    It’s weird because I didn’t do anything to the site. It just started doing it on its own.

    I too hate IE bigtime.

  3. Put a positive spin on it: That way you’re encouraging users to use a supperior, less buggy browser than IE thus helping them in the long run. ;-)

  4. I’ve upgraded to IE 8 beta2, to make sure my website is compatible. They don’t show with IE8 beta 2 either.

    Firefox shows them.

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