I received an email saying that Samy's has the 1D Mark 4 and 1Ds Mark 4 in their system. The person also claimed to have laid a deposit down on one of the bodies.

October 20, 2009
Received another email saying Canon was inviting Canon Pro Dealers to an event on the 20th of October. They were showing off some new product.

No info on what exactly was being shown. I also have not received any official email invites to such an event(s).

One thing to consider. Pro dealers are the only ones that can carry imagePROGRAF products.



  1. Wow. I can’t wait to see all the stats. Oh well its all a dream, I can’t justify a 1D body at the moment, but I can keep drooling over it :P.

    On a different topic, I did a portrait shoot this last weekend using my profoto setup and the 5D Mark II. I’m happy again, I forgot how great of a portrait camera the 5DII was. Sorry, I’m just so happy I wanted to share it with the world.

    My friend also suggested I try doing a custom micro lens adjustment to my 24-70mm and sure enough, those photos turned out even sharper. Geezus I was getting individual eye lashes at 21.1 MP.

  2. Sweet Baby Jesus! My primary camera is in the shop for a smashed LCD. I would love to order a shiny new 1D Mark IV.

  3. I wonder if Canon originally planned to introduce these in January but moved up the introduction in response to the Nikon D3s. If they did, the change probably won’t affect actual product availability

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