DPR Posted their review5d mark ii1 - 5D Mark II Review - DPR

As expected, a lot of praise for the 5D Mark II.


Do people still like DPR reviews? Let me know with some constructive criticism or praise.

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  1. Well I still like the reviews from DPreview. The forum is crap though.

    They always have very extensive reviews of products, and they give a lot of technical information – more than other reviews. This, combined with other reviews where they test the camera more in the field, still makes it a good resource.

    The site really does need a facelift though. Web 1.0 ftl.

  2. What I like about DPR reviews is the high-ISO comparison between cameras, showing the image crops. After looking at those I turn to the conclusions, which are nicely comprehensive.

    Now besides image quality, ergonomics is the second priority. In this respect the DPR review is lacking. A list of features doesn’t help me really. As most readers I own one DSLR and don’t spend too much time in stores playing around with other camers (none, really). I miss some hands-on information on handling a camera, as compared to other cameras. Two examples:
    1.) My D40x annoys me by going back to default settings, sometimes when I take the next picture, sometimes when I switch the camera off and on.
    2.) I read in the 5DII review something about a complicated mirror lock-up. This is an interesting feature. I would like to know more details on how different cameras do this.

  3. DPR is one of my top references when it comes to evaluating cameras. As Nikkorian already said: The high-ISO image crops combined with the comparative noise graphs are very helpfull.

  4. Interesting observation on the ergonomics part. What reviews website do you recommend over DPReview?


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