1. Australian RRP is about US$2300 at the moment, but that includes 10% sales tax. Street prices are already below US$2000, again including 10% sales tax. It’s low enough that you wouldn’t save any money importing yourself.

    So we don’t have it too bad here considering the rest of the world’s getting raped. £1700, blimey…

  2. really? the IQ as compared to what camera? please enlighten the rest of the professional photography world that has been unanimous in its regard of the preliminary 7D photos’ IQ

  3. I’m on the fence right now. My preorder is in, but I’m about 90% sure I’m going to cancel it.

    I’m seeing a lot of conflicting information at this point, the latest being a mini-review from luminous landscapes: http://www.luminous-landscape.com/reviews/cameras/7D-hands-on.shtml

    He makes several positive comments about the 7D, but I find the following very concerning:

    “Though Canon placed no restrictions on my ability to report on image quality, other than to indicate that any pictures shown are “Beta Sample Images” I am going to punt, and will not be describing in any detail the image quality that I have seen from the Canon 7D.

    Frankly, the reason is that I am seeing things which I am not sure are a consequence of the camera’s inherent characteristics or are specific to pre-production cameras or even this specific camera. This includes overall image softness and some digital artifacting. Nothing terrible mind you; just enough though that I am aware of it, and therefore don’t want to make any undue assumptions.

    The major camera technical review sites will have their in-depth analysis of full production cameras soon enough, and once you’ve been able to read a couple of them you’ll be able to draw a pretty good conclusion about this for yourself.”

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