In 2009?
There's a chance Canon could be replacing the 70-200 f/2.8L IS in 2009. The lens will be 8 years old since it was launched. It will have a new 4-5 stop IS & improved optics across the entire range.

If it is launched in 2009, logic would say it'd be launched with the 1Dx. Same source says Canon will also do away with the non-IS version of the lens once stocks deplete. That could be anywhere between 2009 – 2011.

Personally, I don't think we'll see it in 2009… but stranger things have happened.



  1. I don’t see any need to update this product and I don’t see the value of an update. I own this lens for 3 years now and I didn’t find a single thing to cmplaign about so why updating it ?

    plus there are few other lenses that should be updated.

    1- 24-70mm f2.8 should have an IS.
    2- 100-400mm should be updated.
    3- 200-400mm F4 should be introduced.

    so why leave all of this and go to update a perfect product ??

  2. Canon really needs to speed up their lens updates. I understand it is not an easy task, but as sensor resolutions increase we need lenses which can keep up.

    I don’t know why they’d update the 24L and not something like the 24-70mm which I see quite often even on street photographers, let alone all the wedding photographers with them glued to their cameras. I’m not saying the 24L is a worthless lens or anything, but I think they should start getting the really important lenses out there, mainly:

    24-70mm f/2.8 L (IS and updated optics.)
    400mm f/5.6 L (Add IS, optics are good. Very important consumer lens as very few 400mm or higher lenses are this affordable and have such high image quality.)
    70-200mm f/2.8 L + 100-400mm (Newer IS, update optics)

    There are a couple others I’d like to see get an update – such as the 50mm f/1.4 USM (they really need to pop a real USM on it, not the dodgy micro). Overall I have been quite impressed with the updates so far. I hear the new 14mm and 16-35mm are really sweet.

  3. I think most zooms could be improved upon, especially with the higher Megapixel cameras coming.

    I also agree that a 50-200mm f2.8L IS would be a great addition and the 200-400 f4 would be very useful too. I find the 70mm end a bit tight on a crop body.

  4. Just in case Canon is listening:

    I’d love to see a 100-400IS refresh, or a 200-400F4 IS. I’d like to add a longer lens to my stable but am not that happy with the several that I have tried. I also wonder if the 24-105mmIS is no longer the perfect “walkabout” lens with the world moving more towards full frame, something like a 35-150IS might be more useful. I have to say that I do not use the wide end very often, and would rather not have to switch lenses to get between 50mm and 150mm focal lengths.

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