5D3 Shooting in a bar at night: What ISO, Fstop would you guess?

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Canon Rumors Premium
Mar 28, 2012
sjschall said:
any suggestions for setting White Balance?

I like to keep it in the Kelvin setting when shooting video. Start at Tungsten (3200) and roll it warmer or cooler to get the look you want. That, or use something white and set it in-camera.

D'oh.....good idea!!

I would just have to video something at the beginning of filming at each venue...and use that to set WB for each in post.

I also just remembered, that I have one of those expo-discs I could shoot a still at each venue and use that still to set custom WB and that way, I'd not have to bother with WB setting of each set of shots in post for the most part.

Thanks!! Man, I'm trying to remember so much to try to get this right on my first ever shoot for someone else. I'm not getting paid and it IS for charity, but this could be good advertisement for me if I do good, and again...it is for a good cause too!!


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How you relate to the issue, is the issue.
Jul 13, 2012
sjschall said:
If it were me, I would focus less on correct ISO and shutter speed and more on the story and the framing. What do you want your shots to say? It won't make a big difference at the end if your ISO was a multiple of 160 or not. Don't be afraid to break the rules, you may well have to in order to get the shot. A slower shutter speed will let in a lot more light, and, if the scenes don't have much movement, you'll never be able to tell 1/30th from 1/50th. On the other hand, shooting at 1/60th or 1/100th will accentuate motion, which is a cool look for dancing/sports/etc.

Also, you could bring a light along, which will do wonders. Have fun

Agree. Technical correct could look sterile. Be creative, if the story is strong, technical flaws will not be noticed (as much).
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Sep 10, 2010
helpful said:
Nailed both aperture and ISO on my first guess... f/4 and 12,800.

Of course, there's just my word for that fact, but I felt pretty good so I posted this worthless post anyway. Fun challenge!
Those settings sound about right to me.

To the OP: be careful with the 50/1.2 Narrow DOF can be nice for video with actors who move carefully with pre-planned motion. But in the chaos of a pub crawl, you can end up with nothing but blur, giving your viewers a headache. I'd be on the safe side - stop down.
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Canon Rumors Premium
Mar 28, 2012
AJ said:
helpful said:
Nailed both aperture and ISO on my first guess... f/4 and 12,800.

Of course, there's just my word for that fact, but I felt pretty good so I posted this worthless post anyway. Fun challenge!
Those settings sound about right to me.

To the OP: be careful with the 50/1.2 Narrow DOF can be nice for video with actors who move carefully with pre-planned motion. But in the chaos of a pub crawl, you can end up with nothing but blur, giving your viewers a headache. I'd be on the safe side - stop down.

I will. But I figure at least I'll have it there if I want to use it.

Most of what I found that was really nice and bright was using f/2.8....so, guessing 2.8 and below will help me out of the most dark of the places we'll be hitting.

Tonight, Ihave to go through that footage and see what it looks like.

I shot some of it with Marvels Cine style, some with Canon Neutral, and some with Canon Standard.

I'm still not an expert with color correction, although I'm getting better....I'm needing to decide if I want to risk it with shooting it all in a very "flat" style and correcting it all in post, or taking what I can get out of the camera.

i'm leaning towards flat style...since if I mess up in the confusion, forget to set a good custom WB...I'll have slightly more leeway in POST to correct any problems that I'm sure I'll run into with all that will be going on.

Not to mention, it now looks like a very high chance of rain storms in the area, so that's one more thing I"ll have to worry about. I guess I'll wrap my camera bag in a large trash bag to protect from rain while walking between venues, and carry an umbrella in addition to my sling bag (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007234626/ref=oh_details_o09_s01_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 ) and monopod.


This is going to prove to be very interesting....

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