Climbing Mt Fuji in August

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Good evening everyone,

Sorry if this is not the correct section to post this. I am currently seeking some advice on what gear I should take with me on my Mt Fuji climb in August. I have never done an overnight hike before, let alone one to see the sunrise.

I currently have a 40D

70-200L F4 (UV & Cir Pol Filters)
17-40L F4 (UV Filter)
50 F1.8

I am thinking about bring both the 70-200 and the 17-40 with me. I sold my tripod when I moved to Japan but I am thinking about picking one up for the trip. Most likely a Manfrotto 190Xprob (with out a head).

Do you think it is worth while taking the tripod? And is there anything else you would recommend maybe a Cir Pol for the 17-40mm?

Thank you very much for the help.


Gear doesn't matter, Just a Matter of Convenience.
Mar 26, 2012
San Antonio, TX
If weight is an Issue, I would take a G1X and a small tripod. You'll have more important stuff to take than just a camera. First Aid, A Good Knife, Food, Utensils, Flash-lights, sleeping bad and tent or hammock, Fire kit, ETC. You want to be as light as possible.

If Weight is not an issue, Take whatever you want. ;D
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Cheers for the replies.

I have a couple of batteries which I will take with me so should be ok...

Space/weight wont be to much of an issue. But I will probably just take the 17-40mm Lens with me.

I forgot to mention I have a 580ExII, I don't think I will take it with me unless someone has a good reason why I should?

Cheers. :)
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Nov 17, 2011
Meadowfresh said:
Cheers for the replies.

I have a couple of batteries which I will take with me so should be ok...

Space/weight wont be to much of an issue. But I will probably just take the 17-40mm Lens with me.

I forgot to mention I have a 580ExII, I don't think I will take it with me unless someone has a good reason why I should?

Cheers. :)

Use it as your flash light and keep those mountain lions away ;D
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RLPhoto said:
If weight is an Issue, I would take a G1X and a small tripod. You'll have more important stuff to take than just a camera. First Aid, A Good Knife, Food, Utensils, Flash-lights, sleeping bad and tent or hammock, Fire kit, ETC. You want to be as light as possible.

If Weight is not an issue, Take whatever you want. ;D

When hiking Mt. Fuji, he won't need any of that stuff as there is a lodge near the top of the mountain which serves curry and has sleeping bags for everyone. There is also numerous checkpoints and a boatload of people do the climb so it's pretty safe.

The only thing here that might be good is a head lamp or a flashlight. And if so, i'd go with a LED one as it is a long hike and the batteries will last and if you are slow you'll reach the lodge after nightfall.

Personally, I would just bring the wide-angle lens to cut down on weight. Mt. Fuji is not an easy climb if you've never been hiking before. Also, you might have trouble setting up a tripod at the top as it will be swamped with people.

One hint, if you have another camera ready, you can have one takign a shot of the sunrise, and another taking a shot of Mt. Fuji's shadow stressing out from teh base of the Mt.. It ends up being close to a perfect triangle and is pretty excellent looking.
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Oct 25, 2010
Everything I shot on the Mt Fuji summit was wide. At the time that was a 24 f/1.4 on FF. But I'd certainly take the 70-200 with you as well, particularly if you are a strong hiker. A lot of the walk is on a crumbly cinder track, some sections can be almost as tiring as walking through soft sand-dunes. But the summit is a treat. Good luck for a clear morning.

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