Question about buying new 5D Mark III on Ebay

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I'm looking to buy a brand new 5D Mark III body on Ebay and I've come across a few listings for about $3079 from supposedly reputable sellers with 99.5% ratings based on over 30k reviews. Besides the risk of it being a gray market item, what would be another risk I could incur to save about $400? I'm using an AMEX card to fund the transaction, worst case scenario if it's a scam I could just call to cancel the charge..
Canon controls the prices that authorized retailers can sell cameras for, so be careful. One scam I saw yesterday was sellers saving the camera would be shipped without a battery due to USPS postal regulations.

I run a online business, and US postal regulations do indeed now prohibit shipping items with LI-on batteries for INTERNATIONAL shipments. This means that if its a US business, they are scamming you, or they are getting the camera sent to them by mail from a international seller.

There are a ton of scams.

There are good reliable sellers on ebay, I've bought from Adorama, Norman Camera, and a few others.
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Isn't the black tape the normal solution they found for the light leak problem?

I think I know why it's so cheap. They're selling the bodies from the kit with the lens by itself:

"Please be aware that while all items we sell are brand new and never used, there are instances where we deliver the camera body (and box contents) in a box which originally included the camera and the lens. Please be reassured that the package that you received is brand new, never used, and comes with full documentation."
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