Social experimant: I do not have enough smites soooo...

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D_Rochat said:
If you want to avoid smites, do not say anything other than "the 7D is the greatest camera ever made and nothing can surpass it". I gotta go. I think the 7D Gestapo are on to me......

Oh boy, not the 7D Gestapo! Unless you wanted to get smited into oblivion, don't you dare even hinting that there might be some advantages in IQ of a full-frame sensor over a crop. Although there might be some truth to this, the Gestapo have informed me that it's a myth, and people that spend 3 times are much for a full-frame body are talentless imbeciles who need to learn how to shoot.
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You can get smites for being a jerk, but also just for having a different opinion and polite about it. It is the nature of the world. The key is vengeance, I mean feeling good about yourself no matter what.

Love that one hitler sketch. it's the first one of those I saw.
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D_Rochat said:
briansquibb said:
Someone smites me all the time regardless of whether I comment or not

lol. I swear that someone logs on everyday just to smite you.

If you want to avoid smites, do not say anything other than "the 7D is the greatest camera ever made and nothing can surpass it". I gotta go. I think the 7D Gestapo are on to me......

Conversely, posting anything pro-7D will also get one smitten...
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AprilForever said:
Conversely, posting anything pro-7D will also get one smitten...
Actually, I think posting anything pro or against is rightly bound to be smitten when not giving any reasons for it and having the other posters existing gear, budget, shooting habits etc. in mind. It's great that everybody loves their gear, but if giving an advice it shouldn't be guided by this circumstance alone... asking for "what's the best lens" is just as pointless as a reply "get the xyzD body, you'll love it".

Apart from that, the current Karma system is broken and not helpful, because it does not offer constructive criticism.
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I've been racking up the smites lately. This week I said that I like my Sigma lens (which I do) and that my Canon 17-55 has focusing issues (which it does). Maybe I just just reply to every body thread:"buy the 5D3, you won't regret it!" and every lens thread:"buy an L lens. You simply can't go wrong"

Okay my irony there will get me a few more smites. Go ahead I don't care.

Like OOQ eloquently says: "like mosquitos in the forest at night";topicseen#new
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The only time I would support smiting is when a comment is extremely rude or aggressively attacking someone personally. I've been smited when I thought I was being helpful etc. but when I thought about I understood that I essentially disagreed with or challenged someone and people don't like that... oh and sometimes I was being sarcastic. Other times I think I've been smited for stating that a larger photosite gives rise to higher SNR and DR for a given read-noise and that's an undeniable fact supported by the laws of physics.... oops there I go again :p
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briansquibb said:
Someone smites me all the time regardless of whether I comment or not

Sorry Brian, every time my 5D2 hunts for focus I remember that you said yours works great so I should just learn to use my gear better and have to log on and smite you some more. (I'm kidding, I only every gave you applauds for that photo of you with the two big flashes mounted behind your head). Honest, I'm joking don't smite me.
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smirkypants said:
V8Beast said:
Oh boy, not the 7D Gestapo!
I'm sorry. Did someone say Full Frame KGB?

Please. While the full-frame KGB are worthy adversaries, they're still no match for the most formidable task force on earth, the 7D Gustapo. I heard that the 7D Gustapo is actually a top secret sect of Seal Team 6, and are the ones that really shot bin Laden :D
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D_Rochat said:
briansquibb said:
Someone smites me all the time regardless of whether I comment or not

lol. I swear that someone logs on everyday just to smite you.

If you want to avoid smites, do not say anything other than "the 7D is the greatest camera ever made and nothing can surpass it". I gotta go. I think the 7D Gestapo are on to me......

Ironically I have just part exchanged a 7D for my 5DII so I should put it on my bottom line with equipment and start moaning about the lack of decent ef-s lens and why cant the 7D AF at f8 :D

Problem is I cant work out how to change the bottom line .... so I am going to be smited forever :D
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Meh said:
briansquibb said:
Someone smites me all the time regardless of whether I comment or not

Sorry Brian, every time my 5D2 hunts for focus I remember that you said yours works great so I should just learn to use my gear better and have to log on and smite you some more. (I'm kidding, I only every gave you applauds for that photo of you with the two big flashes mounted behind your head). Honest, I'm joking don't smite me.

5DII is gone now - got a 7D in part exchange. So unless the thought police are around when I am using it I should be OK :p

Just bought 2 7foot umbrellas and am trying to work out how to hang them on my gimbal.....Think of MT24 for larger wildlife.....
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The applaud / smite system is perfect for adolescents, but silly for any type of opinion respectable forum.

I say: If you don't like what a person posted, reply in kind with your opinion.
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LOL karma :)
Also having both: 7d and 5d2 doesn't provide an antismite protection. There are two gangs: pro7d and proFF. Having both excludes a member out of every gang. So being like neutral Switzerland doesn't help here. "You're with us or against us".
The others are LGang and EFSGang not quite similar to pro7d and proFF but tolerating each other. Same situation.
It's difficult to find unity here.
Maybe we should choose a camp and write under specific flag and allow to be smitten only by memebrs of the enemy? :)

+1 for video BTW... (what camp's member are you? ahhh 5d3, so FF! :eek: )
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