1D Mark IV Ship Date
I've heard December 9, 2009 is when the first batch of 1D Mark IV's will be in the wild. No word on what country(ies) that would be.

G11 vs S90
Canon has been pleasantly surprised by the initial orders for the S90. Originally the camera was pegged to be outsold by the G11 6 to 1, their internal numbers have changed to 3 or 4 to 1.

Micro 4/3
Canon is watching how things go with the new system. Currently there are no plans within Canon to start R&D on a Micro 4/3 body or anything similar. There is also no plans for a third lens system at this time. EF-S is still a confusing thing for consumers. This is no lie, Canon still gets flack for the FD to EF change which happened 22 years ago!

24-70 f/2.8L IS
A great source has said this lens is coming in 2010.

Initial 1D Mark IV Orders
Orders for the 1D Mark IV have been beyond expectations for Canon. They do expect to meet the demand of initial orders.

24 f/1.4L II
This is still a hard lens to come by in a lot of places. I'm told Canon is working on having the supply issue sorted by the start of 2010.



  1. Even a camera for as LITTLE as $1500 is a lot of money for many of us. The $1500 is a wild guess and probably won’t happen anyhow assuming the demand for the 7D is high. Also, I do want the “dumbed down” picture control modes on the dial. My wife is not interested in things like aperture and shutter speed, she just wants to pick up the camera and take pictures. Furthermore, I am hoping that the new/improved technology moves “down” to the 60D which could make it an impressive camera. The T1i benefits from both the 50D and the 5DMII. Hopefully your suggested price of $1099 is close, because then I could get the 60D and the 17-40 f4 for only $100 more than the 7D body…not bad!

  2. drool… 3D …. uurrgghhhhgghhh

    24-70 IS will finally give the full frame shooter the perfect indoor/outdoor do everything walkaround. Although I wish they could make it a little longer. Like 24-85. I miss the reach on my 17-55 IS. The 88mm equivalent was excellently long.

  3. I’d also take a look at a 24-70 IS. I’ve had 5 of the 24-70mm lenses and sold them all. I found them so front heavy on a crop camera that I had to use high shutter speeds to keep motion blur out of the images. They were reasonably sharp, but not like my 17-55 IS, even on a heavy duty tripod as opposed to a hand held 17-55.

    I’ve got a 1D MK IV on order, but the lack of sample images and reviews has me wondering if I shouldn’t wait. Its not as if I had $5,000 burning a hole in my pocket.

  4. I’m not suprised by the sales of the S9o, its a nice camera for those who use the LCD to compose their shots. However, outdoors I just can’t imagine being able to frame or compose a shot on the LCD, so it is a indoor camera. I suspect many of the buyers will eventually realize this, and wonder where the viewfinder is.

    My sister recently bought a P&S, and when she went to use the camera on hiking trips outdoors, realized it was worthless for that purpose and sold it for a waterproof D90 that at least has a viewfinder.

    Another interesting thing she told me is that many of the hikers bring along 5D MK II cameras. These are long hikes at high elevations where hikers weigh everything to the gram, so this was a bit of a suprise that they would carry that much weight when weight is at a high premium.

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