Okay, I bet that got your attention.

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I have long talked about the need for smaller travel cameras that we got spoiled with, with the EOS-M system. The ability to take a small and capable kit, anywhere, on any airline is important to some, especially in some areas of the world where it's getting increasingly difficult to fly with anything over 7kg of carry-on luggage.

Yes, I know Americans will stare at me blankly, but there are other airlines out there. Airlines are even getting crazier by considering the total net weight of your laptop bag (or personal bag) and carry-on luggage. I run into this frequently here in Asia. Trust me when I say that it's really annoying.

I know Canon can't do everything, but this is a formula they already knew about when they developed the EOS-M. That was the entire reason the EOS-M was developed with a smaller lens mount – to create a smaller and lighter kit for photographers.

So for me, this usually precluded any full-frame system, unless you wanted to use F4-8.0 glass, as a combination of glass and camera simply would add up too quickly, especially if you were also carrying a laptop around as well. Then you have batteries and everything else you have to carry, and voila! 7kg is gone. Anything over a total weight of 1.5kg was simply not happening with my usual carry-on.

Finding a capable solution in full frame has always been a struggle, especially in Canon's backyard, but Panasonic has just released a camera that I hope Canon pays attention to. The Panasonic LUMIX S9 was just announced today as a compact full-frame mirrorless camera.

Preorder the Panasonic LUMIX S9

Key Features

  • 24.2MP Full-Frame CMOS Sensor
  • Compact, Lightweight Design
  • 6K30p 4:2:0 10-Bit Video Recording
  • C4K/4K60p 4:2:2 10-Bit Unlimited
  • 3.0″ 1.84m-Dot Tilt/Free-Angle Touch-LCD
  • 5-Axis Sensor-Shift Image Stabilization
  • ISO 100-51200
  • Real-Time LUT (Signature Presets)
  • 4:2:0 10-Bit Fast-/Slow-Motion Video
  • 1.1 lb / 486 g (With Battery, Recording Media)
  • 4.96 x 2.91 x 1.84″ / 12.6 x 7.39 x 4.67 cm

The one downside for some is that there is no EVF and no way to attach an EVF as there isn't any electronic hotshoe connectivity for an external EVF. I do wish it had, but otherwise, it checks a lot of boxes as a grab-and-go travel camera.

What would my kit be with this camera? I always loved Sigma primes, as they are usually moderately light, well built, and solid optically so I'd be eyeballing these;

and honorary mention goes to the

I'm hoping competition is a good thing and that Canon delivers a small form factor RF camera soon.

Preorder from B&H Photovideo the Panasonic LUMIX S9 $1499. I have a feeling that this camera will be a huge hit for Panasonic. Right now it's available with the 26mm F8.0 pancake lens as a free addon.

Go to discussion...

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  1. This looks very intriguing. As mentioned in the article, Asian airlines are very stingy with carry-on luggages, and some even goes further forcing the weight of 2 carry-on bags to weight exactly 7kg or below, which makes this camera very nice to carry around and leaving the big boys at home.

    Edit: And the DPReview crowds are nitpicking again.
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  2. I have trouble using an LCD screen in bright light, so if I were considering a compact travelling acamera, it would absolutely have to have an optical or electronic viewfinder. As it is, there a few enough so equipped cameras on the market, especially when the camera also has to be affordable.
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  3. When I saw the rumour about the S9 on asobinet yesterday I really liked the form factor. It could use an m6II style finger bump on the front, all in all it’s a compelling package.

    I also wish Canon would allow both open gate and full res recording, it would make my R8 even more useful for video.
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  4. S9 remove many things and match R8 price and the weight.
    Canon can make R8 without evf easily.
    The size, weight and price can be better.
    The pencake lens really show Canon is leading.
    F2.8 vs F8.

    Canon should surprise people. M6 size with R5 sensor. No mechanical shutter. 2499usd.
    They can lock the 8K video about 5 mins.
    • 0
  5. This looks very intriguing. As mentioned in the article, Asian airlines are very stingy with carry-on luggages, and some even goes further forcing the weight of 2 carry-on bags to weight exactly 7kg or below, which makes this camera very nice to carry around and leaving the big boys at home.

    Welcome to fliying AirAsia - where we weigh everything! Though the girls are usually nice, and allow me to go 2kg or so over most times.

    My son said.. "cool, no eye hole thing".

    Proud parent.

    Teaching him all those fancy techy terms I see ;)
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  6. S9 remove many things and match R8 price and the weight.
    Canon can make R8 without evf easily.
    The size, weight and price can be better.
    The pencake lens really show Canon is leading.
    F2.8 vs F8.

    Canon should surprise people. M6 size with R5 sensor. No mechanical shutter. 2499usd.
    They can lock the 8K video about 5 mins.

    They "should" .. but also add in IBIS, that they don't have on the R8.

    I don't think they developed an F8 lens simply because they can't make one faster, they made an F8 so that it's an "f/8 and be there" lens. You literally just point it at a subject and your hyperfocal distance is usually enough that everything is in focus - especially for small social media posts. Any focus distance over 9 feet will have up to infinity as the far limit to the depth of field.

    This is probably why they made it 26mm which is the common enough focal for the main cameras in our smartphones (usually around 23-26mm) - so I think this is brilliant.

    I think you meant 1499 USD and not 2499 USD.
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  7. They "should" .. but also add in IBIS, that they don't have on the R8.
    I actually wouldn't mind an R9 without neither an EVF nor IBIS. Compact and rugged. (I know the Canon rattle should be fine but coming from the E-M5II the R6II's rattle doesn't inspire much confidence.)
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  8. I, possibly along with many other, are eager for a smaller camera like this from Canon. My distaste for Fujifilm is beginning to grow as their stubbornness, menus, and horrible autofocus continue to plague the enjoyment I have with them. The moment I pick up any Canon camera I’m reminded what it’s like to have truly logical and intelligent menus, ergonomics, and functionality. But, Fuji’s lenses are *chef’s kiss* magnificent, compact, and weather sealed….so I’m being pulled and tugged every which way. haha I’m just hopeful that Canon one day builds the camera body that I dream about….just not sure how big of a market my personal wants/needs would represent. LOL
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  9. They "should" .. but also add in IBIS, that they don't have on the R8.

    I don't think they developed an F8 lens simply because they can't make one faster, they made an F8 so that it's an "f/8 and be there" lens. You literally just point it at a subject and your hyperfocal distance is usually enough that everything is in focus - especially for small social media posts. Any focus distance over 9 feet will have up to infinity as the far limit to the depth of field.

    This is probably why they made it 26mm which is the common enough focal for the main cameras in our smartphones (usually around 23-26mm) - so I think this is brilliant.

    I think you meant 1499 USD and not 2499 USD.
    I don't have any hope Canon would sell 1499usd with R5 sensor. If they sell 1499usd, they still use R6ii sensor and of course no IBIS.o_O
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  10. I, possibly along with many other, are eager for a smaller camera like this from Canon. My distaste for Fujifilm is beginning to grow as their stubbornness, menus, and horrible autofocus continue to plague the enjoyment I have with them. The moment I pick up any Canon camera I’m reminded what it’s like to have truly logical and intelligent menus, ergonomics, and functionality. But, Fuji’s lenses are *chef’s kiss* magnificent, compact, and weather sealed….so I’m being pulled and tugged every which way. haha I’m just hopeful that Canon one day builds the camera body that I dream about….just not sure how big of a market my personal wants/needs would represent. LOL

    Don’t worry, when Fuji took down Canon as number 1, they would fix the autofocus.

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  11. Canon still need something to replace the more compact EF-M series. I think an APS-C version of this camera would also make sense with smaller and lighter APS-C lenses to go with it.
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  12. I saw a (text) post on Youtube where someone-who-will-not-be-named-here said that "Camera Youtube" had reached peak annoyance with all the creators publishing their S9 videos at once. Gordon from Cameralabs responded with "How is this different from what Sony has been doing since their first a7 in 2013?"

    I had a good laugh about the post and the comments on it.
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  13. I, possibly along with many other, are eager for a smaller camera like this from Canon. My distaste for Fujifilm is beginning to grow as their stubbornness, menus, and horrible autofocus continue to plague the enjoyment I have with them. The moment I pick up any Canon camera I’m reminded what it’s like to have truly logical and intelligent menus, ergonomics, and functionality. But, Fuji’s lenses are *chef’s kiss* magnificent, compact, and weather sealed….so I’m being pulled and tugged every which way. haha I’m just hopeful that Canon one day builds the camera body that I dream about….just not sure how big of a market my personal wants/needs would represent. LOL
    I also cannot get warm with Fujis. Tried the X-E1, X100F and X100V and always returned them within a day or two. But it is a more irrational, emotional thing for me as I personally simply don't warm up to their user experience (menus, ergonomics, aperture chatter, retro dials), but I crave what they offer:
    - fantastic SOOC JPEGs
    - small, weather sealed primes that are very good
    - X100's are quite compact and very pretty

    I would love for Canikony to bring a X100/GR competitor, though a more compact R8 and 28mm F2.8 might fit the bill, too.
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  14. Unfortunately, it seems that the Lumix S9 can not be used with a flash:

    You’ll also notice there’s no built-in flash, while sliding the cover from the shoe on top reveals no sync pins for an external flash either. This is because the S9 only has an electronic shutter which, on this model, does not support flash sync.
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  15. Right now it's available with the 26mm F8.0 pancake lens as a free addon.
    Those bashing Canon for releasing ‘unusably slow’ zoom lenses, take note. Or admit your hypocrisy.
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  16. Okay, I bet that got your attention. I have long talked about the need for smaller travel cameras that we got spoiled with, with the EOS-M system. The ability to take a small, but capable kit, anywhere, on any airline is important to some, especially in some areas of the world where it’s getting increasingly

    See full article...

    This is EXACTLY the impression I got, its' a the canon M canon no longer wants to make (or..will suprise use with, RF-m6iii??)

    FF, panny version of the M (with obvious upgrades.) I used my M for years, enjoyed it despite all the naysayers (who dont matter anyways).

    With some obvious issues which make s9 harder to stomach for this more modern version:

    - Price needs an adjustment..full stop.
    -the hotshoe is a debacle (related to no mechanical shutter, but still)
    -12 bit only still better than most crop, but..not great
    -almost mandatory grip (same for the M!)
    -unfortunate ports location, just silly
    -headphone monitoring - wth?

    This is already screaming for a mark ii..the 'fixes' are so obvious, especially considering the supposed target market. Not mad at them for trying, use it what its made for (open gate, and ibis!). Otherwise it's not me/you.

    THE idea or model line is off to a good start, it wont be hard for them to make the next version a must have.
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