Just Posted1dmkiv 01 - 1D Mark IV Review - DPReview
DPR has just posted their review of the 1D Mark IV.

The Final Word (From DPR)
A lot has already been said about the 1D Mark IV, both by people who have tested it and those who have tried to weigh it up against the D3S and that kind of nit-picking makes it easy to overlook what an astonishing camera it is. And looked at from a neutral perspective, both it and the Nikon are unmistakably the best sports cameras that modern technology allows.

Its talents are slightly different to those of D3S but its strengths will be a great asset to many people – the smaller sensor that prevents it competing at the very highest ISOs delivers the kind of extra reach that many touchline shooters will appreciate. Frankly there's more to both cameras than just their high ISO performance and, while the Mark IV isn't the best high ISO camera on the market, it's still an exceptionally good one. From the point-of-view of the tasks it was built to tackle, there is nothing that can touch the detailed, high resolution images that it can deliver ten times a second.

Read More: http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/canoneos1dmarkIV/


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  1. is this normal right before what is said to be a release date 23rd?

    Or are you getting rumors from dodgy sources that you might be over filtering.

  2. guess we won’t find out for another couple of years … if Canon finally decides to kill APS-H. somebody made an interesting statement about why Canon is using APS-H still, having to do with dissipating the electronic charge across the sensor area between frames in order to prevent ghosting. apparently you can do it on APS-H 10 times a second, but only 8 times a second on FF. don’t know if that’s a physics-based maximum or something that technology can rectify in the future, but I bet there’s a truckload of Canon engineers chomping at the bit to make a FF 1D Mark V

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