The latest on the next 1Ds
I've received spots of info about the 1Ds over the last month or so. Some good stuff and some silly stuff (square sensor).

Release Date?
I've received a few dates, but the last one stated the 1st half of April 2010. The release would coincide with the new firmware for the 5D Mark II.

The specs are basically the 1D Mark IV with a 32mp sensor and a much slower framerate. There has been no mention of any new 1Ds only features outside of the sensor.

Could there be some advances in the movie mode? I could definitely see that being a possibility. The movie feature of digital SLR's (especially from Canon) has been great for sales.

Expect a price tag of $8499 USD.

Camera Testing?
No third party currently has a 1Ds Mark IV. They should make their way into selected pro hands sometime in the next couple of months.

Photokina in September?
This camera could be released for Photokina. This was the original timeframe for the 1Ds4.


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  1. I agree a 3D would make a lot of sense right now and there are plenty of rumors. I do think Canon users are tired of advanced auto-focus being a super premium feature of only the top 2 cameras. And well, Canon listened and gave people a 7D. But that camera doesn’t meet the criteria for IQ many of us have. Thus we wait for a camera that can do it all for a price that isn’t out of reach for all but .1%.

    It will come (see 3D rumor tonight), eventually.

  2. Physical limitations of the camera body wouldn’t seem to apply to a camera body we’ve never seen before, am I missing something.

    Is it true that existing lenses don’t have a round usable image circle?

  3. “More resolution on the same size sensor always means dynamic range and worse image quality compared to less megapixels on the same sized sensor”

    That’s completely WRONG. If that was true, we would still have less than 10 MP in many sensor sizes even with low dynamic range.

    The sensor size and low resolution itself doesn’t guarantee better image quality.

    Sensors’ technology have been developed and enhanced a lot along the last decade, if they weren’t, a full frame sensor with 21MP of resolution would deliver mostly noise…

    If you say “Given a SPECIFIC sensor size AND technology, less resolution -meaning bigger photosites- could give us better image quality and less noise”, then that’s right indeed.

    And sorry, but Nikon doesn’t make “everything” better, even considering D3/D3x. Although I agree that Nikon has many strong points on stills (Canon is miles ahead on video). I personally use Nikon and Canon, both brands have strong and weak points, especially considering the whole thing: camera + lenses (because the camera alone can’t do anything)

    Nikon more or less is also on the MP race. It’s a marketing matter they can’t avoid.

    And both companies want to compete somehow with medium format cameras. Nikon D3x and its marketing stuff was a clear demonstration.

  4. Canon could be addressing the lens not being made for a square sensor right now with their updates.

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