If the G5X II still had the viewfinder bump, I would have bought the G7X III instead. I had an S95 and then an S120. If I took my phone out of my shirt pocket, I could fit the S120 in there. The G7X II would not fit in the shirt pocket, but does fine in pants pockets or jacket pockets even easier. The G5X II is very slightly larger. It still fits in pants pockets, and I haven't had a jacket on during these 90º+ days. I hadn't really noticed the size difference until I was asked to post pictures of the 5 and the 7 together in a different thread here.I bought the biggest point-and-shoot I could find that would fit in my shirt pocket AND had a viewfinder...and that wasn't a Canon since Canon puts a big bump on top for the viewfinder. (I would have, if not for that. I'm fairly loyal, but if they don't fit my use case...)
Edit--Never mind...I just saw that the viewfinders are popups. So I don't remember what I was thinking unless the size even as a "box" was too much for my pocket--or I shied away at the price.