Cyber Monday Roundup - Continually Updated

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tcmatthews said:
I had no problems downloading Lightroom PC on amazon US. This year or last year but I am a prime member and likely addicted to Amazon. I am currently updating to 5.2 as I type this.
5.2? You're living in the stone age!
I just downloaded Lightroom 5.3 RC(!!!!) after buying the online DL from newegg last night for 80 bucks(China time.)
Spent all morning fiddling with updates, finally got it all set up on my new laptop so I can edit my Sony a7 RAW files. I'm having a blast!
and I didn't even have to wait for Black Friday to get an a7 and 28-70mm kit along with a Sony 32gb SD card,extra Sony battery and tons of other freebies for 1700 bucks(300 bucks cheaper than the kit alone in the US!) This is one of the only items ever to be cheaper in China than the US!
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