EOS EF-M version of the EF 11-24?


Square Sensors + AI = Better Images
Jul 12, 2013
Midwest United States
My oh my have our digital tools changed in the past 15 years or so.


Eight years ago my wife and I visited our oldest daughter while she studied abroad, and for that trip my new Canon S95 served us very, very well. I committed to using it, and it alone, and the images the S95 produced still hold up--I did not for a minute regret leaving the 40D and a couple of lenses at home (USA).

For years, the S95 was also my stealthy concert camera--with good seats (or standing/general admission near the stage), here again images acquired via the S95 (with all of its limitations) are amazing in their quality.

Within the past month or so, I tried using my iPhone 6s in place of the S95 for near-the-stage concert pictures--and the obtained images are, again, remarkable (significantly, the iPhone 5c's camera, years prior, had failed at the same task). In certain ways, using the 6s is a superior experience (compared to the S95, which still works well).

I forget exactly when it was that I bought into the M system.

But I quickly realized that the M/22mm f2 combination was, in a way, a non-zoomable supercharged S95. Even with the slow-focusing 'qualities' of the original M, the images that the M/22 produces are sublime--one is reminded of the (slightly modified) Clint Eastwood line: "A man's got to know the limitations, of his camera."

I didn't (and still don't) use the M 18-55 zoom much at all (the 22/f2 generally worked well in its place)...but when I was able to buy (from Canada, no less) the 11-22 M mount lens (with image stabilization!), the M family really began to shine...and the wide-angle 11mm (crop sensor) images really really work for family and family vacation pix.

As I've noted several times on this forum, the 11-22 native M lens is the killer app for the Canon's M system...enabling the acquisition of quality wide-angle images from a very small package.

So, from Japan, I purchased an M2...and for a couple of years the 11-22 lens never left my M2 (which is a bit smaller than the M, and feels much snappier as well).


On two different occasions, I've come close to picking up a Canon EF 11-24 lens...but have resisted, in part due to mount-related questions surrounding Canon's soon-to-be-released large-sensor mirrorless camera.

I'm sure I'll eventually buy the 11-24...but in the process of making the decision...I wondered:

Would Canon ever manufacture the EF-M equivalent of the full-frame 11-24...something like an EF-M 7-15?

And for this lens (an EF-M 7-15), how much would it weigh? How long would it be? And what would it cost?

I think I would buy a Canon EF-M 7-15 if it worked as well as the EF-M 11-22, and I suspect it would work well with my newest M, the M6.
Mar 26, 2014
In two different occasions, I've come close to picking up a Canon EF 11-24 lens...but have resisted, in part due to mount-related questions surrounding Canon's soon-to-be-released large-sensor mirrorless camera.

Fascinating people treat those questions conspiracy theories seriously.

There are reasons to suspect Canon will change the flange distance and throat diameter, which could be resolved with an extension tube as done for EOS-M, but there's no reason to think Canon would break backward compatability in any other way.
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