EOS M replaced my 5D kit

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I found my GX1 to be a lot better replacement to DSLR than the M

14mm f2.5 for wide shots (28mm), adding Sony VCL-ECU1 for ultra wide (20mm)

20mm f1.7 for wide-ish normal with big aperture (40mm)

45mm f1.8 to tight portait shots (90mm)

The line up is a lot better than the dinky kit of M, those lenses are also smaller, light, have larger aperture.

Oh, forgot to mention the GX1 can actually focus, fast that is!

Speak of ultra-wide, nothing in the same weight/size range beats the Lumix 7-14.
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Canon Rumors Premium
Nov 7, 2011
ecka said:
FunPhotons said:
neuroanatomist said:
FunPhotons said:
It seems like the DSLR is like a stick of dynamite. It will get a lot done if it is set up right, but that's difficult to do and is just as likely to blow up.

I don't find mine difficult to set up. Have you tried reading your manual? ;)

How droll :)

What I mean by this comment is that with the DSLR, lenses, filters, tripod, color correction, flashes, modifiers, etc I'll usually go to great lengths to get mediocre pictures. And oftentimes using that specialized stuff leads to mistakes, like the time I had the reverse GND on for taking sunset pictures, then forgot it when a perfect picture of the family presented itself. Interesting to see their light legs and dark upper bodies - bang! If I just kept it simple and not tried to get a perfect shot of a sunset (which has been done a billion times before) then I could have some nice landscape shots and family shots (sure before you say it I can try and massage the shot in PS, but in that case in those circumstances I think the picture is probably lost).

Or messing with flashes, instead of just keeping it simple and using ambient, with maybe a little fill light I'll fiddle with three flashes, modifiers and ... often get worse lighting with odd shadows I'm struggling to control - bang!

Or I'll go out and about with one of my extreme lenses, like a UWA or a telephoto, and have a lens completely wrong for something else I'd like to take a shot of (like a family shot and all I've got is a UWA) - bang! Or I'll go out with just the 50 (which is still heavier than the EOS M and two lenses) and miss shots at the other extremes - bang!

Sure, before you all tell me how you can carry 60 lbs of equipment on your back and always get just the right setup, in time, for the circumstances you want to get the shot because you anticipated it 10 minutes before, that's great and good for you. Hey maybe I'll get there too someday, I'd like to think so and it gives me a goal, as I'm certainly not selling my gear.

Blaming your gear for your own mistakes? That explains a lot :).
There were 2 circumstances where I would get better results with less equipment due to the ability to carry it a few hundred meters. This would make a difference. But in many other cases it was the opposite. In the specific case you mention didn't you look thru the viewfinder to see that half of the picture was darker? OK maybe it was a soft grad but still...
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Nov 17, 2011
BL said:
Replace my 5D? yes and no

just sold my 16-35 II, to be replaced by the EFM 11-22 as the M will be my primary, ultralight backpacking, landscape kit

but when razor thin bokeh is in order, nothing but f1.2 will do. i have a feeling the 85 II will more or less find a permanent home on my DSLR now.

+1....I love to shoot landscape with mirrorless. I wish Canon, Nikon, Sony or Fuji will release FF mirrorless + exchangeable lenses.

The only reason I'm still shooting with DSLR is: be able to track moving subject.
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I don't know that I would say the M replaced my 5D III, but it definitely replaced my old S95. With two young kids, I just throw it in the diaper bag/backpack when we go out; much better IQ than the S95 and a lot lighter/bulkier than the 5D with the 40mm pancake.

I've also found a bit of use for the M at some MLS games recently. Last year, I had no problem getting in my gear as long as my bag was small enough. This year, security has gotten picky about what they allow in: no "professional" cameras and all lenses have to be less than 4in when fully extended. While it is not quite the same as my 5D III with a 70-200, I was able to get some real nice shots with the M and my 85 1.8 (with the adapter EOS M adapter ring). Autofocus speed was fine as long as you could follow the run of play. In all, very happy with my M and provides a nice alternative for more casual photography.
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My M didn't replace my 5D2 either. I really like my M because it's smaller, still have to put it in a bag, so it's slightly less convenient than my point and shoot, but I like the M since it's higher quality and better than my point and shoot in general, it's made me more confident to bring my camera with me and take pictures in situations like when using a point-and-shoot would be wasting the scene and it was too inconvenient to bring my 5D2.

I love my M :D and I hope that Canon will continue developing it ^-^

And the point and shoot it replaced was a Nikon S9300. My family always has a tendency to buy point and shoots in Nikon and DSLRs (and M) in Canon and now we have a perfect Canon set whenever we go on trips. :D
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Sep 30, 2010
BozillaNZ said:
I found my GX1 to be a lot better replacement to DSLR than the M

14mm f2.5 for wide shots (28mm), adding Sony VCL-ECU1 for ultra wide (20mm)

20mm f1.7 for wide-ish normal with big aperture (40mm)

45mm f1.8 to tight portait shots (90mm)

The line up is a lot better than the dinky kit of M, those lenses are also smaller, light, have larger aperture.

Oh, forgot to mention the GX1 can actually focus, fast that is!

Speak of ultra-wide, nothing in the same weight/size range beats the Lumix 7-14.


14 2.5 -> 12 f/2 (24mm)
Considering Pana GX7 nowadays (but may reconsider the E-M5 successor).

Small, light and superb IQ (even wide open). AF is fast except for 20 1.7 but for that there is the 25 1.4 as an even better alternative.

EOS-M is lacking lens, focusing speed and recent mFT bodies have e.g. better shutter (1/8000).
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