Fujifilm Considers Entering Medium Format Market

Canon Rumors Guy

Canon EOS 40D
CR Pro
Jul 20, 2010
In an interview with the <a href="http://www.bjp-online.com/2016/01/fuji-x-pro2-interview-takashi-ueno/" target="_blank">British Journal of Photography</a>, Fujifilm product manager Takashi Ueno admits the company is researching the viability of entering the medium format market.</p>
<blockquote><p>At the moment Fuji is not planning to launch a medium format camera, but we are conducting research and testing sensors in this area. We have a good history in the medium format market, and I think we would be successful again. We have the technology to make a very modern and high quality camera, but right now we are only investigating.</p></blockquote>
<p>The “affordable” medium format space is currently only represented by Pentax, but there has been rumors over the years that both Sony and Fujifilm could become players in the market. Sony already is by providing image sensors to the likes of Pentax.</p>
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UK based, hobbyist
Nov 7, 2010
Sheffield, UK
Sounds a great step, niche market, perhaps room for two models, a hipster fixed lens model and a mirrorless body with a trio of lenses would do the trick, retain comparability with a major medium format lens manufacturer, keep the prices below £1500 for the bodies and people will lap the product up.
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ScottyP said:
Seems like they are overshooting the mark jumping all the way to medium format. Why not give us a full frame body?

Fujifilm never did much with 35mm. A panoramic camera (TX-1, aka X-Pan), some consumer stuff. It's just not their thing.

But they've always been big in medium format. And still are, I suspect. I'm pretty sure that, like the X-Pan, Fuji manufactures the current Hasselblad MF digital bodies and lenses. Given the familiar resemblance between the GX645AF and the 'blad cameras, it's sort of obvious.

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