Making Money With Photography

Hi All,

Long time reader, finally signed up. I was hoping to get some advice from all the pros/experienced out there.

I'm interested in putting some of my photos online to (hopefully) sell.
From what I can see you have the following options.
1. Make your own website, together with prints, selling, billing, etc.
2. Upload to a stock site - which is not really my style. Its mostly 'clip art' and 'business scenarios' (generalising I know, but you know what I mean)

What I was wondering. Is there a website that you can upload all your photos and group into categories, etc just like as if you were making your own website, however they take care of the business side of things (prints, selling, billing, etc). I realise this would mean royalties. I was thinking they'd get somewhere between 15-40% in return for their website and services? Can you set your prices, or is it set.

Essentially, I love photography, love taking photos, but don't have the time to do the business side of it (its a hobby not a profession for me). But thought as opposed to all my images sitting on a hard drive, I might possibly make a few bucks here and there.

PS: Is the 3rd option limited to sites like 500px and pixoto?
I vaguely read about photoshelter. Anyone have any experience here

Thanks in advance, I realise there are a lot of questions here.
Thanks for the Advice Mt Spokane.
I ended up making a site with Zenfolio as opposed to Smug mug as they have an outlet in Australia to print from so makes sense. I trialled both initially and both seemed reasonable though from a setup,etc perspective.

I just wanted to let you know I sold my first print today!! wooooo. :D :D :D :D :D Well sort of second as I sold one to my friend, but I don't know if that counts. Pretty excited, didn't make a huge amount from it, but yeah pretty stoked. Hope they like it.
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