Shooting professional sports (NHL) with a DSLR - access denied!

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Right, but that would have meant buying very expensive tickets to sit as close to the pitch as possible to capture a lot of detail. Smuggling in an 1.4X would have slowed it down too much, wouldn't have been able to freeze any motion in the pics.
So eventually I did not go to the match but was working on some inportant document instead which made my client happy but not me... ;-)
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I confirm that I could bring my 70-200 4L at the NFL game in Seattle (Seahawks vs Cardinals) last September.
My backpack was of course inspected by security but they were looking for weapons and drinks (all drinks are forbidden except factory sealed bottled water).

The only "issue" I had was when I tried to walk in the stadium to have different shooting angles (and go closer), security told me that I could take pictures from my seat but that I was not allowed to walk around (and even less allowed to stand in the stairs).
Too bad, I was seating really far up in the stadium.
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kimloris said:
I confirm that I could bring my 70-200 4L at the NFL game in Seattle (Seahawks vs Cardinals) last September.
My backpack was of course inspected by security but they were looking for weapons and drinks (all drinks are forbidden except factory sealed bottled water).

The only "issue" I had was when I tried to walk in the stadium to have different shooting angles (and go closer), security told me that I could take pictures from my seat but that I was not allowed to walk around (and even less allowed to stand in the stairs).
Too bad, I was seating really far up in the stadium.

Wow, so my experience at the Charger game wasn't a fluke. I'll certainly have to check the next time I go to a NFL game.
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This is the answer I got from the Olympics: :'(

Thank you for contacting London 2012 about your query.

Spectators will be free to take photographs inside London 2012 venues, however flash photography may be restricted at some events.

LOCOG has yet to finalise the spectator filming and photography guidelines. As with other large sporting events there may be restrictions for spectators on the size of lenses permitted into venues. We are working on guidelines and will publish them in good time for the 2012 Games so everyone attending is clear on the policy and can enjoy the events.

Kind regards,

London 2012 team
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The North Sea Jazz Festival at the biggest concert venue in Holland (Ahoy Arena) states the following:

"You can bring a small camera. Only when you are accredited as a press photographer it’s allowed to bring professional photo / film cameras to the festival."

Nice and vague. So the first year I went I had the GF carry my trusty old S2IS (got to love a camera that runs on AA batts) and Pana LX3 in her handbag, and I left my 40D & L glass at home & took a small prime mounted on her 350D in my satchel, with her 55-250IS crammed inside my folded-up bike poncho.

Of course once I got in I saw a dozens of people carrying 5DIIs and various 70-200s in the open with no press cred or photo pass whatsoever, ho-hum. Still got plenty of good shots & movies anyway. There were certainly a few performances where photos by anyone without press cred were strictly forbidden, & the ushers were enforcing it (mostly the shows with assigned seats you had to pay extra admission for though).
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One thing for sure with all this experience and the response of everyone here I am more and more considering the G1X for these occasion where I will not be allowed to bring my 5D (and soon to be 1DX I hope!)...

I have some ticket ring side ticket on the way for March so I hope the G1X will arrive to my door before then :p
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JR - Pls keep us posted on the G1X and using it for such events when you get it. It's a camera I have on my radar for just such a purpose, but I think it's more on next Christmas' radar, as I like you plan on getting the 1DX and that will put a good dent in my photography account.
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bigblue1ca said:
JR - Pls keep us posted on the G1X and using it for such events when you get it. It's a camera I have on my radar for just such a purpose, but I think it's more on next Christmas' radar, as I like you plan on getting the 1DX and that will put a good dent in my photography account.

Will do!

Fandongo said:
Any wagers on how long until iPhones are banned?

I dont think they will ban iPhone (or at least hope not)! This would be very hard for them to implement. I would not accept going to a game if I cannot bring my phone and be reached in case of emergency. Unless an iPhone allows you to take DSLR graded pictures I think we are fine for now! ;)
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I am a photographer for an arena management group. I get asked this a lot. Usually, the venue rules are lenses less than 6 inches. However, the artist or sports event may set their own rules. Tie that with security who may be applying rules and it gets odd. So where your friend was able get their camera in with a 70-200 lens, you may be stopped with a small compact. I’ve seen folks whip out an SLR during concerts and get much better pictures than I did in my three songs. I’ve shot a lot of other places, stadiums and places and the rules are up and down. I would suggest you reach out to where you are going and ask. Stinks that you had those great seats and were able to take pics. Sadly, I am willing to bet that if you went there three more times, you’d get three different suggestions. Now it looks like you have a great reason to buy a G12!!!
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I wanted to resuscitate this topic for a couple reasons. First, I had no issue visiting most of the AZ Spring Training sites this year with my 5Dii/ 40D bodies (both with battery grips) and my 35-350L.

The second part of this post is a question about what the optimum camera would be for sporting events if the non-interchangeable lens camera restrictions become more prevalent. My preference would likely be the G1X, cropping down in post-process, rather than one of the mega zooms. But I have no experience with the G1X and almost none with the mega zooms. I’m assuming I will be at least 150 feet from my subjects, and most of these events will take place with sufficient artificial lighting for television.
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JR said:
So last night I was all excited because I add ring seat to an NHL game in Montreal so I thought lets bring the 5D mkII with my 135mm and take some cool shots right! I see so many sports pictures being posted here that I thought this would be fun!

Well when I got to the door the security denied me access to the sport center because my camera has detachable lens (the G1X would have been handy!)! The guy was fairly rude so I could not figure out why except that I was not a certified journalist. So I had to bring back the camera to the car and come back empty handed to get in :-[ !

Is it like this for all professional sports? What is your experience shooting pro sports? Do we need some kind of accreditation or did I just stumble onto a bad security person? the way two rows down from me was a professional photographer using his Nikon D3s though ... :mad:

It really depends upon the sport and the stadium.

Red Bulls soccer bans everything and anything. Philadelphia Union allows in DSLR with lenses as large as 70-300L.

NCAA D1 Women's College Cup and NCAA ACC Women's Tournament Soccer banned even rebels with pancake lenses these days, even friends and family and fellow students, no go, pretty ridiculous I mean it's college sports let the people have their fun, isn't that what college is supposed to be about? and it's not even like they are the big revenue sports basketball and football are. While OTOH at Yankee Stadium they allow in DSLR without issue and you see 70-200,70-300,300 f/4, 400 f/5.6, etc. all the time all over the place.

(regular season NCAA soccer games though tend to very lax though, i've seen people with super-tele in the stands, but again it depends upon the place and the setup)

D3 colleges are often more lax about things, but it depends. Sometimes you can use super-tele, at the schools where sports aren't much of a big deal and attendance, even for football, is almost non-existent, it depends, not that it's a total free for all even there since they don't want people doing silly things and causing havoc or injury, but at some you can all but shoot from field in more or less pro positions, although at most you'd absolutely need a press pass for anything close to that.

In some cases bans are because everyone is so lawsuit happy these days, so no monopods even for field seating at soccer, in case you trip someone and then the stadium would get sued.

The places that ban lenses over 8" sometimes do it because they don't want people swinging long lenses and blocking other fan's views and not necessarily for other reasons.

NBA tends to be super restrictive (even with a press pass, for pre-season game, it's so restrictive that you often are not even allowed to so much as share shots on the web or even share them with other news agencies, some passes say the images can on;y be presented by the designated media outlet on the pass alone). NFL is often pretty restrictive. WPS is a mixed bag ranging over the entire gamut, from relatively lax to 100% restricted. MLS is mixed too although a bit more restrictive on average. MLB tends to be relatively lax about it, on average, they are much less strict than the NBA/NFL/NHL, much less so, but I have heard that in some MLB parks they are somewhat strict.

MLB is your best bet above the high school level (but do check since it does vary stadium to stadium).

or a sport that isn't getting love. Even at a D1 school, some sports, for some reason get little attention paid to them. I know one school where tennis was desperate to get a look, if you can show that you are capable of getting some decent shots they might let you in with whatever you want. Look at the local papers and the school's paper, if some sports rarely gets photos in the paper, they may be open to things.
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awinphoto said:
I kinda feel like starting a new blog page and requesting a press pass from the university as being a professional photographer with a website dealing with their school... Wonder if it will work haha.

hah, no, not for things like Texas Tech football

certainly not unless you really built it into a huge thing and had like half the school following your blog and it became as big a deal as the school newspaper and established as the go to site (and you proved you knew what you were doing on the sidelines and had some proof to provide)
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I recently went to a concert and the box office website said no "professional camera gear" so I brought my point and shoot with 36x zoom. I left my 7d at home. I brought the canon sx30is, but was prevented from taking that in, too. So, g1x may be a no go. Might as well just use your cellphone.
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