Show your Bird Portraits

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"I took over 40,000 photos and basically lost all of them..." - so you mean what we see is just the leftovers? Great shots anyway!
Thank you! I did pick out a few of certain birds along the way, many of these I edited and created a post on my website about, mostly because they are rare or uncommon for my area. I still have any 10000 more photos that I shot after the incident to go through yet. I just took 3000 yesterday, in fact, haha.

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Several days ago I saw a Northern Mocking bird in the campus of the school and yesterday I went there in hope to see it again (that was my second encounter of that bird on Oahu, they are pretty uncommon here). Didn't happen.
Meanwhile took some photos of my favorites on that spot (Saffron Finch), using the terrain to achieve at least partially what I call for my self "the Nemorino effect". Non of the light and the background were favorable to get that effect: in his plant photos you can see some (the ones with the bubbles!) that are opening the door for your imagination (you get the feeling you are in "fairy tale land" or just different world...). Even if the above mentioned variables where "at home" yesterday, my 500 PF would not be capable to deliver that bockeh and the main player of that magic - the bubbles will just look "blah"!
What I only achieved is the impression that I'm shooting at aperture more open than 6.3 (all thanks to the terrain!). I was not on my belly and I was shooting with the viewfinder: it's all the terrain.

First photo is at "normal circumstances", after that (different bird) - using the terrain, different spot.

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A Barred Warbler studying me, looking curious and possibly a bit suspicious at my presence.

The picture was taken on the island of Öland, situated in the Baltic see at the SE part of Sweden.
Data: R5 + RF 200-800mm, at 800 mm, f9.0, 1/5000 sek, ISO 2000. Used Adobes own noise reduction tool in LrC.

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For you lucky people living in the right places, it's possible to get great shots of Ospreys, which are wonderful birds. And I love to see those posted images, especially when they are carrying fish head forwards. Back in Merrie England, they are a rarity but there has been a successful reintroduction to Rutland Water Nature Reserve. Unfortunately, the viewing points are about 300 yds/280m from the nearest nest (though I believe a local trout farmer makes some money by hiring out a private hide over his fish pond). I've never got a good shot of them because of the distance and shimmer over the water. Yesterday, I visited on a cool day with the R5 + RF 200-800mm + 2x TC at 1600mm, and managed to get a passable shot (each bird is about 800 px long on the sensor).

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Today's "catch": Singing out it's soul Shama, Japanese White Eye and...


...Northern Cardinal - I was curious what it's looking there. The bird was very kind to show me...


With the Red-Crested Cardinal I was expecting seeds but it landed on a sprinkler - just water...

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