Canon could theoretically fit a big enough sensor to compete with GFX is the forgo IBIS just like Pentax does.Even if Canon turn out an R5s with 100MP, critics will argue with DLA, stating that no one needs more than Sony's 60MP.
And point out that 100MP make only sense in a MF camera.
Trolls are so inventive...
That would require a new set of lenses and Canon can't keep up with RF and RF-S lenses as it is.
Also, Canon RF L full-frame lenses vignette like crazy.
I imagine bigger lenses would be even worse.
Although, I can make an argument for Canon wanting such lenses for a C700 65.
However, I would expect such lenses to be LPL.
I do not think LRF cinema lenses would make much sense.
LPL/EF cine lenses would make sense but those would not get photo versions.
Those lenses would also be crazy expensive.
Way more than Fuji GF.