Where is the M-3 with the dual pixel sensor!!!!

For me the "when" is "too late".

I have been considering migrating from my SLR to a mirrorless camera. I've just walked too many miles carrying a heavy bag and want something smaller and lighter.

Well one of my SLR's lenses just died so it's decision time. Put more money into the old system or switch now to something else.

I've decided to switch. I'm not sure which camera yet but it won't be the M. Canon just lost my business.
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Oct 14, 2010
nads said:
I'm not waiting for the M3... I've got the M and happily use it. There are tradeoffs to every platform and contrary to popular opinion, there are key befits of the M that must be given up to move to the other platforms.

Fuji looks great... APS-C, great design... wait, is that a 23mm prime and 10-24 zoom for $1900? That's not a trade off... thats the price of a trade in car!
I'm with you there. I just picked up a M kit (Body, 18-55, 90ex) for $350 CDN from Amazon.ca. The 22mm pancake is on the way from HK. I was looking seriously at the Fuji X-series lineup and could not justify the cash for a vacation camera. I have my 5D3 and a bunch of lenses and am getting tired lugging them around. The low cost of entry for the current M system tipped the scale for me. Is it perfect, not even close but it smokes my S90 for features and IQ so it will get some airplay for those situations I want to travel light.

I am looking forward to see what Canon does with the rumoured M3 too!
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There is a Best Buy store in NYC by my office. As I work in developing consumer products, I like to pop in there from time to time to do market research. The Canon M system never appeared in that store! How can a new system like that ever get off the ground if it isn't supported by a big box store like Best Buy?

The camera section continues to get smaller as their tablet section continues to grow.
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Jamesy said:
I think with the recent 55-200 EF-M announcement the M has some legs. Hopefully they release a nice M3 for Photokina and open up the floodgates for your US market.

+1. I bought into the M system, and I agree that the 55-200 shows that Canon thinks the M system has long-term viability. I got it originally to replace a P&S, and have added the 18-55 and the 11-22 (a Canadian order placed from the US). I don't think I'll get the 55-200 for 420. If it goes on sale, then maybe... The M has replaced our old HD camcorder. Better AF would be nice, but it's OK for my family's uses for now.
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