Times are pretty slow for Canon info at the moment. All the attention appears to be focused on what Nikon is about to do.

Nikon D5000
Apparently it will have an articulating screen, use the D300/D90 12mp sensor and have a new type of on camera flash. You should be able to bounce it. There's no word on whether or not the camera will have movie mode.

Not this time around.


I was eager to see if they'd launch a medium format system or a digital rangefinder with an F mount as has been rumored in the past. Not the year for that stuff I suppose.


Ritz Camera Bankruptcy
Apparently Ritz Camera Interactive (The Web Site) is a different company than Ritz Camera (The retail stores). The web site is not part of the bankruptcy proceedings.

More at [PB]

The day Ritz filed for bankruptcy they approved my affiliate application. I found that kind of funny. Now I know the companies are different and will go ahead and use their affiliate program. There are a lot of Ritz fans out there! They also seem to get new stuff before a lot of other places.

5D Mark II Availability
If you're Canadian, I know where you can get a new 5D Mark II body in Ontario. There doesn't seem to be many around. Email me if you want the info, I get no commission on this one.

Buying through CR
Thanks to everyone that uses the links to buy stuff through Canon Rumors affiliates. It's generating a decent income. I promise you I'm not going to horde all the money generated, some is going to be going back to the community. Stay tuned for a contest coming up for a lovely piece of Canon equipment.

Canon USA is a NY Yankees Fan
………. now if only some of their cameras used steroids! There'd be a lot of happy campers!

[Press Release]

Canon Rumors is Hiring
I'm looking for a technically inclined person to write tech articles about camera technology. I would require one article per calendar month. The articles could be predictive or factual, that would be up to the writer. The right person would have to be able to write something that would have me confused within 3 paragraphs, then I know it's good.

Got what it takes?

Email me


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  1. <<<<>>>>>

    The book is not going to come out before the D400 anymore than there was a book on streets long before the Mark II was out.

    I will hold you to it that a 500D is “soonish” to be out. However if you think it will be out before July which is the latest the D400 will be released, I will be amazed.

    Hank Brusco

  2. That’s an expensive first dslr! I think 1080p video is a bold feature.

    Both companies’ lines have benefits and disadvantages. Canon has better high ISO IQ and color reproduction. Granted you can fix some of this in post.

    A few things to watch for on the 5D2: when making small print/web output from RAWs you have to sharpen way more than you’d expect to (assumed because of the high MP). Also try shooting twice as fast as you’d need when hand-held. I notice blur a lot more on this camera than with lower MP.

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