Something not quite as exciting
I was sent an email suggesting what's actually going to be happening. Canon is going to release an official 5D Mark II/24-70 f/2.8L kit. It won't be an IS version of the lens.

That'll make the 24-70 a lot cheaper.

Is this good or bad news? Well it depends how you look at it. Is this a sign Canon is going to be clearing out stock of the 24-70 to prepare for an updated version? That seems logical.

For now, I'd say no 24-70 f/2.8L IS for PMA. I'll keep looking and asking though.


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  1. Canon has so far NOT announced new releases during a trade show. So, ZERO hopes for a 24-70 f/2.8 IS announcement at PMA. This is as certain as the addition of new useful features in a firmware update. Will NEVER happen for Canon.

    They are totally predictable. Hopefully, this spells the demise of their domination and the start of a new Nikon era.

  2. Photographer/Videographer on


    Thanks, but I know all the things replied.

    Using a manual focus (even another brand lens) is not a good option considering you loose lot of things and it’s “useful” for filming, but not too much for stills. And I don’t think Canon would like their customers to buy Nikon lenses to use in their 5D Mark II either.

    I hope Canon allow full manual control in movie mode in 1D series, but it’s kind of uncertain too due to the so known broadcasting rights/contracts conflicts for sports, etc….

    Anyway I guess customers deserves the right to use the 5D Mark II full manually controlled in Movie mode.

    If Nikon releases a DSLR with manual control (Nikon has nothing to loose doing so), Canon probably release a firmware update to avoid keeping behind.

    I hope Nikon do it, and do it well.

    The more competition, the more chances to get what Canon should have already given.

    I hope there would be a 3D too, but that is more uncertain, and would be ridiculous to have manual control in the Full HD Movie Mode (the 1st DSLR manufacturer to include such feature) ONLY in the 1D series.

    Would be like moving 1 step ahead and 2 steps back.

    I don’t think Canon would like to keep behind Nikon after being the 1st to put full HD movie in the DSLR world.

  3. I hope the new version is at f/2.8 as sharp as 24-105 at f/4 . Otherwise the update is useless to me. I don’t need a lens soft at open aperture. Canon, please give distortion diagrams as well to the public. MTF alone to public is a note that there is some bad information compared to Leica or Zeiss lenses.

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