What I hear
I've heard people in the know from Canon USA saying they have “no idea what's going on with them” in regards to the current backorder on the 24-70 f/2.8L.

Most people in the know give you ETA's, not in this case. Just another sign.


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  1. Of course, since Nikon only had that since barely 3 yrs. ago, while Canon had theirs since ’02, so it’s only to be expected that the newer and more expensive lens would have the better IQ. Nikon is just catching up with me-too lenses that Canon had for a decade, bar the 14-24/2.8.

  2. Marcel Vrugtman on

    Makes sense.

    But if they are smart. They come with better products than their competition.

  3. neuroanatomist on


    It’s a rumor site, and we’re discussing rumors. By definition, a rumor is just that. Even CR3 is a rumor. It’s not a fact until it’s no longer a rumor any more.

    A discussion is just that – a discussion. My point was that this rumor has been around for such a long time, to varying degrees of certainty, that it’s approaching absurdity. Ever heard the story about the boy who cried wolf? This one’s almost to the point that I’d doubt the actual Canon press release if it was posted here.

    Nothing against CR guy – in fact, his early info on a forthcoming rebate was posted in between my ordering a 7D and Amazon shipping it, meaning I was able to postpone my order a couple of days and save $100. Thanks again to him for that!

    But this is a comments section of a rumor site. If all we did was say, yeah, that’s true, cool, I can’t wait for this [insert rumored item here] then what would be the point of a discussion.

    Do YOU get it? LIGHTEN UP!!!

  4. I do not understand why The DOF will equal to f 4. based on the DOF calculator that I am using. The lens actually have less DOF on a crop sensor, when you decrease the COC by a factor of 1.6 (for the reduced size of the sensor).

  5. Try watching a game of chess ;) It’s only interesting if you know the rules and tactics….

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