Next week
The new Rebel coming next week is apparently going to be called the “T2i”.

Spec List
New LCD (Even Higher Resolution)
Selectable FPS (Video)
New build quality and shape for a Rebel
No articulating screen
New battery LP-E8
New battery grip

CR Editorial about Articulating Screens
I don't think Canon will introduce an articulating screen until we have a faster liveview autofocus technology. There are situations that an articulating screen is handy on an SLR with the current liveview performance, however I don't think it's an issue for a majority of SLR users.

Canon has probably focus grouped this feature to death.

That's just my 2 cents.  :)


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  1. They need to do something to compete with the Nikon D5000. I suspect sales against the D5000 are slipping.

    I agree that slow Autofocus makes the video pretty much useless for the average user.

    How fast is the contrast detect autofocus one the 1d MK IV videos??

  2. Only boring to those people who don’t use them. For the rest of us they represent an excellent value and entree into an excellent selection of EF and EF-S lenses. They serve as backups, travel-light companions, and the primary body of the majority of DSLR owners.

    I love my 5D2 and I prefer the handling on the XXD series, but I have had 2 rebels since 2007 for traveling and never regretted not having a full size body.

    Now is a Rebel rumor more boring than a 3D rumor, or a 24-70 2.8IS rumor, or a 100-400 f4-5.6 rumor? Probably…

  3. The articulating screen could have been the ONLY interesting upgrade, but they decided not to include that.
    I’d rather have an articulating and lower resolution LCD than a higher resolution but fixed screen. My vision is not bad, but I don’t see any practical use for 920k in 3 inch LCDs.

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