5D3 Imaging Viewing Malfunction

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I have the original firmware (1.0.7) on my body and I experienced weird behaviour this past weekend on a shoot.

I turned the camera on and went to focus and it did not seem to auto-focus. I checked if the 85/1.8 was in MF but it was in AF. I took a shot and it thew image did not pop up on the display. I thought that was weird and I hit the chimp button and nothing. I hit the magnify button and nothing. The display was illuminated with the shooting settings which is normal. I rebooted and the same thing. I rebooted a third time and it was OK.

Anyone else experience this kind of weirdness with their 5D3?
Interesting - that may be it! I just tried it out (my DoF button in mapped to AI Servo override) and when I am holding the DoF button the preview of the image does not come up and obviously the AF confirmation will not happen in one-shot because it ain't in one-shot anymore ;)

I will keep this in mind if I experience this issue again.

Thanks for your insight!
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