7D vs 5D3 vs 5D2 well-lit, bright subject reach test (ISO100 and ISO6400)

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Here is a comparison of ISO6400 reach for a bright, well-lit, high contrast subject (the reach advantage for 7D will be less if the subject has dark tones or is in a darker part of the image or you underexpose in general, while it's still very clear, surprisingly, for a bright subject well lit it might be barely there for a black crow in a dark corner of an image most likely; I may do mid-tonality reach comparison later since many subjects might fit that scenario):

top image is the 7D re-scaled to match the bill size on the 5D2 - you notice that it delivers BOTH less noise, less artifacts and more detail than the 5D2 and slightly more detail and less artifacts than the 5D3 with maybe a touch more noise

second image from top is the 5D2 - you notice it retains a bit less detail than the 5D3 bill

third from top is the 5D3 bill - you notice that it and the 5D2 show a less detail than the 7D bill even at ISO6400, the 5D2 shows tons less

bottom is the native size 7D bill - bright subject, well-lit the 7D still has a sizeable reach advantage over the 5 series cams, especially compared to the 5D2

but again for a subject that is not so super contrasty and is made up of many tones much farther from white the reach advantage may prove to be much less

make sure to click the image to see it at full scale


If you use firefox make sure to click all of these images to make sure you are seeing the full 100% view
and note that the 5D3 looks brightest and the 7D darkest so at ISO6400 the bodies are probably not applying the same gain so the effective ISO compared here is highest for 5D3 and lowest for 7D most likely which would give 5D3 a slight disadvantage and the 7D a slight advantage.
Here are the ISO100 comparisons 100% crops, order within each image is top 7D then 5D2then -5D3 then at bottom 7D again:

make sure to click images to see them at full scale

Neutral, +4 sharp, 0 NR in-cam JPGs:

ACR, all NR and RAW sharpening off, everything at defaults otherwise, no lens corrections:

Seems to me that when using neutral style the 5D3 actually pulls more fine detail andhas less moire and aliasing than the 5D2 for in cam jpgs at least for areas of high contrast detail (perhaps it is mid and low contrast details that the 5D3 smooths over in jpgs?) contrary to some rumors.

Using ACR and RAW I see no real difference between 5D3 and 5D2. SOme claimed the 5D3 was sharper due to new AA, etc. and some claimed it was softer due to new AA or CFA splits, etc. To me it looks sorta too close to call and I'm not sure either rumor carries much weight.

The 7D, contrary to claims by a few that the better pixels of the 5 series make up for it all, does have the ability to deliver a lot better reach and surprisingly, with a well lit and bright subject at least, even at ISO6400.
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neuroanatomist said:
Do you shoot a lot of (real world) well-lit, bright subjects where you are focal length-limited and you feel a need to push the ISO to 6400?

by well lit i just mean it has to be not towards the shadow end of how the entire scene is exposed so the scene can be poorly lit just so long as the main subject ends up toward the brighter part of the scene as a whole (i.e. not a black crow in the darkest recess in a photo where there is some white object with a bit more light that you don't want blown out or something)

sometimes the subjects will be light and in upper tones of the scene sometimes not, i plan to test it again for a less contrasty subject that would fall in mid to low mid tones too
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wickidwombat said:
I would be interested to see the 1Dmk4 added into the mix

I think we know what the outcome would be... :-*

I agree that that would be a more relevant comparison. Afterall, Canon stated itself that the 1DX replaces the 1Ds3 and 1D4. When I get my 1DX, there will be a full review/comparison among the 3 cameras.

I got a notification from B&H today about shipping and in my zeal to obtain the 1DX, it wasn't the camera that was being shipped, but rather a lens that I forgot about that was backordered :).
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