Interesting! Well, different strokes for different folks. Obviously no-one's mandating that Canon make one or the other. People can obviously choose one or the other or get both.
I know there's a HUGE difference between 10mm and 14mm, technically speaking. It will be literally twice the area of coverage. Maybe I should get a 10-20 and try it. That said, I don't think I've ever looked at a 14mm shot of mine and said you know, this just isn't as good an image as I'd have gotten if I could have gone wider. Generally I categorize subjects for UWA as near or infinity; if near, a half-step back may make all the difference ("zoom with one's feet"). If infinity, I haven't gotten a lot of subjects where specific details of the background matter so much as simply the impression of "a lot of background."
A couple 14mm shots from Zurich. The truck is one of the two dozen floats in the 1999 edition of the rave music party Street Parade, where 1M visitors come to a city of 350k. Each truck has tens of thousands of watts of sound system. A friend living 10km down the lake said the sound made his cats hide. Back to the subject at hand the photo of the truck bed with dancers and DJ would benefit hugely from more context but I could have gotten that if I had just taken a step or so back--I had the camera on a monopod as high as I could reach and was like a meter from the nearest dancers. Two steps back would have shown the whole truck.
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