Canon EOS 70D & 3D Prediction from Japan

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Oct 18, 2011
jouster said:
As an astro-imager, I want more pixels. My telescope plus various optical components produces an image circle that pretty much covers an APS-C sensor. So I'll be perfectly happy in a couple of years when APS-C hits 40 MP, as it surely will. ;D
Based on pixel density, I wouldnt be so sure you'll see a 40MP APS-C camera. Heck, even the D800's sensor (made for high MP) only captures 15-16mp stills in APS-C mode.

If memory serves me, the current Canon APS-C cameras are about 40-45mp as a full-frame equivalent. Making a 40mp APS-C is probably like making a 100+MP full-frame. And while I'm not sure of the particulars of your astro-photography, realize that you will likely lose any low-light ability. If people think the 7D is bad at ISO1600, they'd hate your camera at ISO400. You'd be giving it the light gathering ability of your average P&S. It might not matter for you if you can infinitely decrease shutter speed, but for most APS-C users, it'd be a deal breaker. You'd get your resolution, but be sacrificing noise performance.

edit: To take this further, the 24MP D3200 has an advantage in terms of resolution relative to the field of view. For the D800 to get the same shot, it'd produce a lot less resolution. That's because the D3200 has a pixel density that is 50% higher than the D800. When the ISO numbers come out, it wouldn't surprise me if the D3200 is worse than the Ti cameras in low-light ability.
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TW said:
jouster said:
As always, it is worth pointing out that "3D" would be a terrible name for any camera that did not do, you know, *actual* 3D. It would set up that exact expectation in consumers' minds. -snip-

Edit: lonelywhitelights said it first.

I think you are underestimating folks just a bit when you say this. The group of pro and advanced amateur photographers who are able and willing to drop ~$4000 on a camera body are probably going to be bright enough to figure this out, don't you think? Sheesh.

And I think it will mean that whoever thinks it is 3D, is only looking at one model - else they will definately buy the 5D, I mean, a fourth and fifth dimension must be amazing! ;D

The EOS 3 camera was an amazing film camera and got me hooked on Canon - it will be great to see the same level of camera in the digital range. Just wonder if they will bring back an advanced eye sensor to assist with the focus point selection.
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Oct 18, 2011
TW said:
I think you are underestimating folks just a bit when you say this. The group of pro and advanced amateur photographers who are able and willing to drop ~$4000 on a camera body are probably going to be bright enough to figure this out, don't you think? Sheesh.
Yeah, it's like saying people are buying the 1DX because the X makes it seem more extreme!
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Oct 18, 2011
Tymo93 said:
Interesting rumour. It's hard to believe that canon will come out with a 70d before a 7dmk2 as the 7d is older than the 60d...
Thats the nature of consumer v pro level cameras. The Ti cameras get updated yearly. The xxD cameras get updated about every 2 years. Anything in the xD level usually takes more like 3 years.

Also, if releasing a new 7D at $2000+ has the same effect as the 5DIII did on the 5DII (lowering the price 20%), than nobody would buy a 60D. They'd end up with the 7D costing the same as a 60D, and nobody in their right mind would turn down AFMA, 8fps v 5fps, weather sealing, etc for a swivel screen. Also, the T4i is getting the 60D's autofocus, so again, fewer reasons to buy the 60D. It's why it will probably get upgraded first.
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preppyak said:
Tymo93 said:
Interesting rumour. It's hard to believe that canon will come out with a 70d before a 7dmk2 as the 7d is older than the 60d...
Thats the nature of consumer v pro level cameras. The Ti cameras get updated yearly. The xxD cameras get updated about every 2 years. Anything in the xD level usually takes more like 3 years.

Also, if releasing a new 7D at $2000+ has the same effect as the 5DIII did on the 5DII (lowering the price 20%), than nobody would buy a 60D. They'd end up with the 7D costing the same as a 60D, and nobody in their right mind would turn down AFMA, 8fps v 5fps, weather sealing, etc for a swivel screen. Also, the T4i is getting the 60D's autofocus, so again, fewer reasons to buy the 60D. It's why it will probably get upgraded first.

Makes sense, thanks
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I really hope that the specs for the 70D are true. I'm not a huge fan of the increased megapixel count, but I really like the AF system and the body material.

If they do decide to come out with another 7D (I hope they don't because it threw off Canon's lineup), I hope that it is essentially a cropped 1DX.

Digic 5+
8.5fps or 10?
61-point AF system of the 1DX or a slightly dumbed down version
Weather sealing like the previous 7D
Built in flash

Such a camera would be a great backup to the 1DX for sports photographers. Or it can be for sports photographers who can't shell out $7k for the 1DX.
Sure it's probably not a huge upgrade from the original, but the new digic 5+ should complement the sensor nicely as well as the improved AF system. As far as the fps goes, 8.5 should be plenty or bump it up to 10.
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preppyak said:
Tymo93 said:
Interesting rumour. It's hard to believe that canon will come out with a 70d before a 7dmk2 as the 7d is older than the 60d...
Thats the nature of consumer v pro level cameras. The Ti cameras get updated yearly. The xxD cameras get updated about every 2 years. Anything in the xD level usually takes more like 3 years.

Also, if releasing a new 7D at $2000+ has the same effect as the 5DIII did on the 5DII (lowering the price 20%), than nobody would buy a 60D. They'd end up with the 7D costing the same as a 60D, and nobody in their right mind would turn down AFMA, 8fps v 5fps, weather sealing, etc for a swivel screen. Also, the T4i is getting the 60D's autofocus, so again, fewer reasons to buy the 60D. It's why it will probably get upgraded first.

I agree that the 60D will be replaced first. Have you noticed the 60D showing up in non-photo centric resellers, like Sams Club? When I saw that about 6 weeks ago, I realized that it was only a matter of a few months before the 70D was announced. The timing is getting close.

I also firmly believe that the 60Da was introduced to use up excess 60D inventory with a reasonably minor modification.

I really hope the 70D is more like the 7D than the 60D. The 60D IMO was a big step backward toward the XXXD line and not a step up from the 50D.
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I agree that the 60D will be replaced first. Have you noticed the 60D showing up in non-photo centric resellers, like Sams Club? When I saw that about 6 weeks ago, I realized that it was only a matter of a few months before the 70D was announced. The timing is getting close.


Costco has been selling a 60D kit for I think close to a year already. However I feel like I keep seeing more add's online for it.
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Oct 25, 2010
wickidwombat said:
erg :( the 3D specs look good except for the bulky 1D body
if it was a 5D size body it would be pretty sweet
WW, have run the tape measure over the 5D3 and popped it on the scales? With the BG-E11 grip it's taller, thicker, bulkier and around 30 grams heavier than the 1D Mk4. I was surprised. Middle age spread?

Canon seems to be heading Super Sized these days. The 600EX-RT has bulked up noticeably from the 580's, the 5D3 is big & lumpy & the 1DX is up in most dimensions over the 1D Mk4. I'm going to need a bigger bag! At least the Great-White lenses have shed some weight...

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