Introducing the Canon 5D Mark III

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wow that's a huge increase in price for custom auto iso, 3-year-old metering, and 1DX AF.

does 6fps make a difference compared to 4? idk I don't care about that anyway.

I mean ok this is a new DSLR and all, improvements are to be expected.
but the greatest improvement is on the price side I guess.

oh well, I'm going to pass on this.
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Canon 14-24 said:
Nikon D800 native iso: 100-6400
Canon 5d3 native iso: 100-25600 ???

Is this right? Looking forward to the high iso samples to see any significant improvements.

That's a big selling point I think Canon just did, if those extra 2 stops of iso are usable!

It'd be pretty good if only 1 extra stop was usable. It'd be GREAT if 2 stops of iso are usable.
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80D, M5, 7D, & lots of glass and accessories!
Oct 18, 2011
Adelaide, Australia
Thanks Craig for your great spot on recent CR3. 8)

From the actual released specs and if Canon has implemented their R&D well, this should be an awesome FF camera. Great IQ, very strong AF, etc. ;)

I'm looking forward to the reviews, and seeing great photos from it.

Who knows I may even buy it somewhere down the line.... :)

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Canon 14-24 said:
Nikon D800 native iso: 100-6400
Canon 5d3 native iso: 100-25600 ???

Is this right? Looking forward to the high iso samples to see any significant improvements.

That's a big selling point I think Canon just did, if those extra 2 stops of iso are usable!

According to this interview, Mr. Westfall says the MKIII is two stops better in ISO than the MKII. I'm assuming that's for jpegs but it's still impressive nonetheless.
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dilbert said:
From dpreview:

"We've had a chance to handle Canon's 5D Mark III 22MP HD DSLR and have prepared a detailed preview and video. The specifications may initially look a little familiar but almost every component is new. It gains most of its ergonomics from the EOS 7D but inherits the sophisticated 61-point AF system from the EOS-1D X. There are also a host of improvements for movie shooters and promises of a 2 stop improvement in low-light performance."

There is some question as to whether that "2 stops" refers to jpegs or RAW....just like the 1D's more about jpeg performance.
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Jul 21, 2010
Re: Introducing the Canon 5D Mark III: jpeg samples

mkln said:
lclevy said:
there's too much NR on all high iso shots..

at least there's no visible banding (not even pushing the jpegs from lightroom). :-X

the bride jpeg @3200 looks pretty nice online, but anyway I am currently shooting a 30D at ISO 3200 (H) So IQ wise for me this will be a BIG step up...I'm in for one. Maybe a year from now. If they manage one stop of high ISO improvement in RAW I still guess that is plenty enough for me. So looking forward to compare the 5D3s ISO 3200 with my current extended ISO 3200 then, about one year from now. 8)
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Re: Introducing the Canon 5D Mark III: jpeg samples

mkln said:
lclevy said:
there's too much NR on all high iso shots..

at least there's no visible banding (not even pushing the jpegs from lightroom). :-X

I can't wait to see some unmolested samples.

I know it's apples to oranges (and I really hate to speculate until we see some RAWs from both), but comparing those samples to the D800 samples that have been floating around, the 5D3 ISO3200 (bride) shot looks better in the mid tones and highlights (skin and hair are nearly noise free) and comparable in the lowlights to the D800 ISO800 shot. The 5D3 ISO3200 (tiger) shot looks better across the board than the D800 ISO800 shots.

I'm not sure what's up with those aurora shots. Both just look wrong to me for some reason, even the ISO800 one, I can't explain it.

To be quite honest, the D800 has yet to impress me with any high ISO samples I've seen. The performance I've seen is barely better (and I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt) than my 60D.
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