Nikon D610 yes D600 minor upgrade!

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And Calumet just emailed them advertised for Pre-Order.

Seems a bit strange to release a small upgrade just a year on, but sales and feedback must of been pretty bad if they felt the need to do so. But at least they are doing something and churning out decent new cameras very quickly at the moment. Plus not afraid that this may well be open to critism that they themselves are admitting that the D600 was sub par for the market/ at release.
But this is quite refreshing and open.. eh Canon?!!

Could this be the way ahead now to release minor upgrades at say the same initial price point to offer the latest improvements for those wishing to keep on the tech front?

Makes me imagine a 5D 3.1 with a nicer sensor - 1 stop more DR , less banding / noise and maybe 30MP.
And keep everything else with it!

(Then the proper Big MP can still be a separate beast!)

What do you think?, are Nikon on the right road or have they gone nuts and are going for glory or bust with all their recent products that get great reviews but probably don't sell quite the numbers conservative canon does?!!
By the rumors, it will be an update of emergency to end the stigma of the oil in the mirror and other bug. More or less what Canon meant T4i > T5i. At this time, could make a canon 6D Mark ii with autofocus best off center. In these days, no focus point double crossed F2.8 seems an insult. :(
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My guess is that Mitsubishi insist Nikon makes more margin per body than Canon needs to. IMO Nikons up to and including prosumer grade are cheaper made than the equivalent Canon. How the tables have turned. Faulty shutter design was a major boo boo. If I'd bought a D600 I'd be hopping mad.
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The nasty little marketing elves at retailers will try to make hay with this, especially through the "holiday" shopping season.

Personally, it means nothing to me.

And, I'm guessing it goes largely unnoticed at Canon.
The only hay I'll be making with this is "it's not broken like the old one".
I'd imagine canon are creasing up about it, and I'm a nice little marketing elf, thanks very much
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dilbert said:
ajfotofilmagem said:
By the rumors, it will be an update of emergency to end the stigma of the oil in the mirror and other bug. More or less what Canon meant T4i > T5i. At this time, could make a canon 6D Mark ii with autofocus best off center. In these days, no focus point double crossed F2.8 seems an insult. :(

A better example of this is that many considered the 1D2n > 1D3 due to autofocus problems in the 1D3. The 1D3 -> 1D4 was much less time than 1D2 -> 1D3.

Er, I think you need to check your dates.

1D: thirty months
1D MkII: twenty one months
1D MkIIN: fifteen months
1D MkIII: thirty three months
1D MkIV: thirty one months
1DX: eighteen months and counting

That makes the 1D MkIII the longest serving 1D camera to date.
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klickflip said:
Makes me imagine a 5D 3.1 with a nicer sensor - 1 stop more DR , less banding / noise and maybe 30MP.
And keep everything else with it!

(Then the proper Big MP can still be a separate beast!)

-What exactly is wrong with the 5DmkIII sensor???????

-The 5DmkIII already captures a comparable scene with about 2/3 stop brighter shadows than Nikon, so you already have the ~1 stop more DR from the get-go. Stop longing for technology that serves limited other purpose than an anticipated ranking from a "pay-for-score" service like DxO. The reality with broad DR is that most people use it to create (read:recover) a shot they could have taken in the first place if they learned how to properly read/adjust exposure.

-Same thing with more MP.. A survey of the some of the largest printing firms in the US indicates that poster size prints represent the smallest percentage of their output - so very few people are printing posters and therefore have little argument for high MP other than hoping to crop a shot they should have properly composed/captured in the field..

Too many 'photographers' today are waiting for a camera with 200mp, full sensor AF, and 204,800ISO so they don't have to do anything but point the camera in the general direction of their subject and then go home and crop/zoom the shot they should have taken in the field - that is not photography, that is surveillance...

(Please understand I am addressing the perspective of your comments because they are ignorantly shared by a large percentage of consumers - I am not attacking you personally :) )
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privatebydesign said:
Er, I think you need to check your dates.

+1 It's always amusing when people don't check their facts before posting...more so when it's a pattern.

The analogy of the 1DIII is an interesting choice, since Canon recalled them for the AF fix - a very direct way to deal with a known issue, rather than offering a 'upgrade' as a fix.
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neuroanatomist said:
The analogy of the 1DIII is an interesting choice, since Canon recalled them for the AF fix - a very direct way to deal with a known issue, rather than offering a 'upgrade' as a fix.

For once, I'm thankful to own Canon equipment, the d600 update is really embarrassing and proves they've got no problem with devaluating their customers' equipment in no time.

Nikon wants to get a foot in the marketplace and has to be innovative and release their newest developments asap. Canon on the other hand is so conservative with lenses and cameras that I am very calm about having bought a 17-40L and 6d1, I don't expect them to release the 6d2 next month with improved af, not unless they've milked every cent from the 6d1 production line.
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neuroanatomist said:
privatebydesign said:
Er, I think you need to check your dates.
The analogy of the 1DIII is an interesting choice, since Canon recalled them for the AF fix - a very direct way to deal with a known issue, rather than offering a 'upgrade' as a fix.

Agreed. A recall at least acknowledges the problem and supports your customers by giving them what they should have had in the first place. Fixing the problem by releasing it as a 'new' model is really insulting your customers that shelled out their hard earned on a faulty product. It's kinda like saying, 'Hey look we fixed the sensor problem but you're gonna have to pay full price to get it. Ohh and good luck selling your old faulty body!'.
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Nikon really dropped the ball with the D800 and D600. Canon have really picked up their game with the 1Dx, 5DIII and 6D. The new 610 specs look very much like a feature plugged responce to the 5DIII and 6D.
For my wedding work, the 5DIII's quiet mode shutter is a game changer. It's good to see Nikon finally catching up with this, as usual a little late to the party. Hello cmos, hello full frame, hello live view, hello movie mode...and now hello quiet shutter mode.

It's not good that a camera in this price bracket and feature bracket has needed a warm over so quickly, but I guess that's a responce from the disasterous sales issues. How long will Nikon owners put up with this type of customer care or poor product development. The lack of silent mode is quite a biggie in the post 5DIII world.
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GMCPhotographics said:
Nikon really dropped the ball with the D800 and D600. Canon have really picked up their game with the 1Dx, 5DIII and 6D. The new 610 specs look very much like a feature plugged responce to the 5DIII and 6D.
For my wedding work, the 5DIII's quiet mode shutter is a game changer. It's good to see Nikon finally catching up with this, as usual a little late to the party. Hello cmos, hello full frame, hello live view, hello movie mode...and now hello quiet shutter mode.

It's not good that a camera in this price bracket and feature bracket has needed a warm over so quickly, but I guess that's a responce from the disasterous sales issues. How long will Nikon owners put up with this type of customer care or poor product development. The lack of silent mode is quite a biggie in the post 5DIII world.

a shutter has to sound like a shutter. ;)

Al Bundy's Ferguson
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GMCPhotographics said:
Nikon really dropped the ball with the D800 and D600. Canon have really picked up their game with the 1Dx, 5DIII and 6D. The new 610 specs look very much like a feature plugged responce to the 5DIII and 6D.
For my wedding work, the 5DIII's quiet mode shutter is a game changer. It's good to see Nikon finally catching up with this, as usual a little late to the party. Hello cmos, hello full frame, hello live view, hello movie mode...and now hello quiet shutter mode.

It's not good that a camera in this price bracket and feature bracket has needed a warm over so quickly, but I guess that's a responce from the disasterous sales issues. How long will Nikon owners put up with this type of customer care or poor product development. The lack of silent mode is quite a biggie in the post 5DIII world.

1st DSLR with "live preview" - Olympus E-10
1st DSLR with video recording - Nikon D90

All of the brands have their good and bad. A few that come to mind quickly for Canon...

• RGB color metering - The 1DX finally has it... Nikon has been doing this in all of their cameras since the late 1990s.
• Spot meter via selected AF point - Only in the 1D series... Nikon allows this in all of their bodies.

At the moment Nikon and Canon both produce products that are so closely matched it really is more a matter of photographer preference.
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Nikon is making a habit of 5h!tting on their customers ... first it was the SB900 and now the D600 ... they kept denying any problem with oily sensors, until majority of their D600 customers started making noise about it ... D610 is NOT an upgrade, it is just a D600 (hopefully) without the oily sensor ... I wonder what kind of lame a55 quality control do they have at Nikon these days. I had considered buying the D600 but I changed my mind and got the D7100.
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Rienzphotoz said:
Nikon is making a habit of 5h!tting on their customers ... first it was the SB900 and now the D600 ... they kept denying any problem with oily sensors, until majority of their D600 customers started making noise about it ... D610 is NOT an upgrade, it is just a D600 (hopefully) without the oily sensor ... I wonder what kind of lame a55 quality control do they have at Nikon these days. I had considered buying the D600 but I changed my mind and got the D7100.

they should have done the same as with the D5000. recall the D600.
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dshipley said:
• RGB color metering - The 1DX finally has it... Nikon has been doing this in all of their cameras since the late 1990s.
• Spot meter via selected AF point - Only in the 1D series... Nikon allows this in all of their bodies.

isn't it 7D is the first color metering? iFCL?

i agree with spot metering, even the lowest D3200 has it, but i just love my Canon EOS 3 film camera that can link AF points with spot metering.
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