using lights for first time and not sure what set up to get??

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Hi legreve again thank you for all your comments and help...
so i was shooting straight to a computer but not sure what you mean by:
"Most of the time I just grey out on the background if I know it's white. Find somewhere where it isn't completely blown out."
You mean you grey out the background in photoshop?

Also what is "technical camera"?? never heard of this before so if you could clarify that would be great:)

Regarding sharpness - once I find the 2/3 point in should I have the lens on manual focus and just leave it there? Or when the next product comes in do you focus again? I'll have a practice next time but I just couldnt understand why some shots seems to be out of focus but maybe I was pointing too far back and the focus plane wasn't hitting the object?

Thanks for the schematic as well!!..this really helps me see how to position mine next time...few questions, what is a "soft lamp"? For the alternative how do I use the reflector with the soft lamp? I understand that the diffuser (would this be a sheet of musilm for example?) goes between the lamp and the table but not sure where I position the reflector.

Just to note, that second link is not my shots...those were ones that I thought looked quite good as the light was so white and bright whereas mine (first jpeg) seemed to look a little dull and flat maybe...any ideas how they achieve this? Is it more powerful lights maybe, or just have one light stronger than the other to get a bit more shadow?
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