From NL
Over at NL they've been told to expect Canon to answer to demand with the upcoming lens announcements.

24-70 f/2.8L IS I predict is the most wanted lens to Canonites.

Or is it?

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  1. For those wanting a better EF-S lens there is on coming and I have been saying it for ages but no one is listening there will be a new constant f/4 EF-S lens with a build similar to the current 15-85mm IS but with an optical formula like the 17-55mm IS. It will take 77mm filters like the 17-77mm IS and have to same IS system as the 15-88mm IS. Size wise it will be slightly longer than the 17-55mm IS. The focal length will start at either 17mm or 15mm and end at 70mm so assuming it starts at 15mm we are looking at an EF-S 15-70mm f/4 IS USM.

    You heard it here first.

  2. What’s wrong with the current 135? It’s a pretty amazing lens.

    Maybe add IS, but I can’t see improving on the current non-IS version.

  3. If this is for real, when can we expect to see this lens? It would keep me from buying the 15-85 for my 2nd body. But it doesn’t make sense to me to have 3 EF-S lenses in roughly the same focal range, maybe if they replaced the 17-55 IS with a a 15-70 2.8 it would sell, that would be a killer lens for crop bodies………

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