1D Mark IV Ship Date
I've heard December 9, 2009 is when the first batch of 1D Mark IV's will be in the wild. No word on what country(ies) that would be.

G11 vs S90
Canon has been pleasantly surprised by the initial orders for the S90. Originally the camera was pegged to be outsold by the G11 6 to 1, their internal numbers have changed to 3 or 4 to 1.

Micro 4/3
Canon is watching how things go with the new system. Currently there are no plans within Canon to start R&D on a Micro 4/3 body or anything similar. There is also no plans for a third lens system at this time. EF-S is still a confusing thing for consumers. This is no lie, Canon still gets flack for the FD to EF change which happened 22 years ago!

24-70 f/2.8L IS
A great source has said this lens is coming in 2010.

Initial 1D Mark IV Orders
Orders for the 1D Mark IV have been beyond expectations for Canon. They do expect to meet the demand of initial orders.

24 f/1.4L II
This is still a hard lens to come by in a lot of places. I'm told Canon is working on having the supply issue sorted by the start of 2010.


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  1. “Micro 4/3”

    If Canon ever offer an interchangeable lens system for mirrorless cameras, I seriously doubt it’s going to use the 4/3 format.

    Perhaps it would be better to refer to this paradigm as “Micro APS-C” in Canon’s case.

  2. 60D will essentially be a 50D plus video for around $999.
    I’m sure the xxD line will stay to fill the gap between the xxxD and the xD.

  3. “24-70 f/2.8L IS
    A great source has said this lens is coming in 2010.”

    Yawn.. yeah.. it’s been coming for so long.. one will appear sooner or later so that “source” will be eventually right.

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