Search Results: mirrorless (934)

*UPDATE* The entry level A series cameras will be replaced at CES. A new product line will be launched, however…

600D Not unexpected, but a new Rebel will arrive in 2011. I’m told it will be announced in the April…

Lots to come 2011 will be the year of the lens, Canon is set to do a big refresh of…

I love seeing this. I had a great talk with Keith from K.B. Canham Cameras. They’re an Arizona based large…

After Canon, it was on to my other favourite manufacturer Leica. Since we’re in the land of Leica, it was…

It’s not a Canon! No, it’s not. It’s something that has caught the photo gear world by surprise. I don’t…

Canon APS-H 1.3x mirrorless Various reports have come in about a mirrorless camera from Canon that will use an APS-H…