On the set
I've received informormation from a few folks that the new 5D Mark II firmware is on location on the Iron Man 2 set. Apparently the cameras are in Morocco at the moment.


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  1. Why would the loyalty of a lot of customers be at risk? Statements like this seem ridiculous to me. Canon never promised manual aperture on the cam, it was never in it’s specs.

    If their loyalty is at risk there never was loyalty in the first place. As a still camera it’s an amazing piece of equipment.

  2. If you know what it takes to film a short on 35, then you have an idea what it will take to do a feature. You can probably shoot the whole thing in two weeks to a month if you’re working every day.

  3. Yes, I had a lot of help…but I am now searching for a camera. Everytime I post here or on Nikon I must sound like a broken record. I always say the digital films made with the 5d2 etc have a much better look than anything I have seen in digital before, which I know has a lot to do with the lenses and maybe the sensor being so big but dont know how big it is with good hd video cameras. Even Very expensive units. No one seems to agree with me. I can spend up to 15,000 if I had to, but if I like the look, why not have a killer camera too. The talk on Nikon is always about the focus. Also, can I put the limited time shots together as scenes are not usualy very long anyway. As for focus, I would just set it anyway for static shots, like I would for filmaking. It looks like crap when the focus changes except when you pull focus from one object to another.

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