After today's post about a higher-end APS-C camera coming to either the EOS M lineup or EOS R lineup, I have been told that the successor to the Canon EOS M50 will be coming in the last quarter of 2020 in Japan, but may not be released until early 2021 in the rest of the world.

This will not be an EOS 7D Mark II type replacement, but a big upgrade over its predecessor. By most accounts, the EOS M50 is surprisingly Canon's best selling ILC. It has even done very well in North America and Europe.

I have no specifications at this time.

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  1. I loved my time with the M50 and the system as a whole. So much so I kept my EF adapter and 22mm F2 after selling the body, confident I'd return to the line with future models. Hoping the M50II at least gets a 2nd dial. Quick usability was its biggest downside IMO.
  2. Fantastic, I prefer the M50 over the M5 because of the flippy twisty screen.

    IBIS and improved AF with a better senor and processor would be enough for me to trade in my M5.

    I still can't quite understand why the M6-II doesn't have that screen. That was my biggest hesitation in buying it, but I went ahead anyway.
  3. IBIS, the newer 30MP sensor, higher res EVF, second dial, uncropped 4k recording, USB-C with charging, same physical form factor = Day 1 order

    I'd probably still order without an improved EVF and second dial, but lacking any of the others would give me pause. I'd really like to keep the Smallrig I have and just fit it to the new one, so hoping for same form factor.
  4. I prefer the M50 body design over the M6 II and M5 mainly due to the fully articulated screen instead of the swivel screen. This is good news if the release price is similar to the M50 MK I's release price which is $779 body only, but with IBIS, new sensor, new processor, and improved button layout. I think this is more suited for me for my purpose and usage compared to R5 and R6.
  5. Fantastic, I prefer the M50 over the M5 because of the flippy twisty screen.

    IBIS and improved AF with a better senor and processor would be enough for me to trade in my M5.
    I would also trade in my EOS M5 for an EOS M50 Mark II. My concern is that I could make the trade and then find out later that an EOS M5 Mark II would also be planned.
  6. It always seemed a given that Canon was going to continue the M line, and especially the M50, given that it is the best selling mirrorless camera on Amazon and in Japan. If they can add IBIS and adopt the M6 MkII sensor (seems a given on the sensor), it will sell well. I'm sure Canon is going to have a tough decision deciding on the second dial. On the one hand, it would make settings easier on the fly. On the other hand, it is touted as being simple (it is the mirrorless rebel or kiss after all), so one dial would be consistent with philosophy. Adding IBIS would seem to add quite a bit of cost this early in the adoption of the technology by Canon, so it may get skipped. However, IBIS is a great feature for video, and the M50 camera is extensively used by the vlogging crowd.
    The M50 is a great camera today. It is good news that it is going to get better. They need to release an m-mount nifty fifty.
    If the M50 Mk2 gets the FPS of the M6 Mk2, it will completely compete with the 7D mk2 for performance.
  7. I am more interested in a M5II with fully articulating sreen and the M6-II sensor. I did not like the one dial layout of the M50.
    Maybe the M50 and the M5 will be combined in the M50II.
    I'm not so much interested in video and wouldn't need necessarily IBIS.

    OTH I am tempted to leave my two camera route and sell the 6DII and M5 in favour for the R6.

  8. I own the M50 and I really really like it. But you guys shouldn't get too optimistic. Yes, the old M50 got some great specs compared to the even older M5 but after all it's still an entry level camera and the order is M5 > M6 > M50 > M100/M200 series. Especially if Canon plans to release an M5 Mark II within the next 12 months, there is the possibility that they will make sure to protect its sales by not going too crazy with the M50 specs. :cry:
  9. That is a good point. I could see them dropping the M5 though for the M50 mk2. It seems like Canon has too many models that don't get updated often enough. I would consider the R6 but I like smaller for travel.
  10. My M3 has served me faithfully as my take-everywhere, pocket camera for several years. With the exception of an articulated screen I don't have too many must-have features for its replacement. One of the reasons I didn't "upgrade" to the M50 was because I would have to give up my C Mode setting. I look forward to an M body with 4K, IBIS, DPAF, and all the other great stuff that's become standard in the past few years.
  11. I loved my time with the M50 and the system as a whole. So much so I kept my EF adapter and 22mm F2 after selling the body, confident I'd return to the line with future models. Hoping the M50II at least gets a 2nd dial. Quick usability was its biggest downside IMO.
    I love the 22mm! It might sound silly, but it's probably my most fun lens to shoot with, tied with the 85mm 1.2. It is definitely one of the anchors keeping me in the EOS M-system. Probably my most used lens.
  12. Got the M50 last year as a second camera so I wouldn't embarrass the kids if I pulled out the 5DIV. I have been surprised how good the M50 has been for street photography. It's also come in handy as a webcam this year. To be honest I am not sure how much they can improve it for me to upgrade, IBIS might be nice.

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