EVIL (Electronic Viewfinder, Interchangeable Lens)
43rumors says they have it on good authority that Canon is about to release a Canonet GIII style digital camera with interchangeable lenses.

I haven't heard even a peep from anyone in a long time about this type of camera.

Source: http://43rumors.com/ft3-canon-giii/

Thanks Are


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  1. I agree.
    I care more about pixel density than pixel count. low density = low noise and I tend to work in low light. all I care about is a big sensor. nothing more than 10mp is necessary… but I hear where you’re coming from.

  2. I agree.
    I care more about pixel density than pixel count. low density = low noise and I tend to work in low light. all I care about is a big sensor. nothing more than 10mp is necessary… but I hear where you’re coming from.

  3. Had they gone with a much bigger sensor I could live with 10 MP, though I’d prefer 14 MP in that camera, it just seems like rather than innovate they just dropped the MP way down and cleaned up the noise a bit. Bigger sensor for good noise/low light, back to 14 MP, up the VGA video to HD, and I might have bought one, at least as a temp cam until I find an EVIL camera I want.

  4. I agree 100%. I take my 40d every where, and I don’t want to look like a guy with a fancy camera every time I go to take a shot. I want to look like everybody else, taking pictures just for fun.

    did you see the article about the “open source” camera? they call it a frankencamera and it’s only a research project at a university. basically you can put any kind of softwear in it. say you want HDR pictures all done in camera. put the program in the camera and bingo. I like to think of the idea as an “App Camera”. all those weird settings some cameras have and some don’t. well you could pick and choose the ones you want. the sky’s the limit. I hope Canon figures this out. the have something primitive with Picture Styles. I’d love a double or triple exposure App and a Build Your Own Curve App. make a curve like in photoshop and it will apply it to the photo. oooo a Tri-X 400 App! Apps that mimic certain brands of film IN CAMERA. well now I’m just rambling. what Apps would you like?

  5. I love the frankencamera! That thing is ugly as sin and sure to get more attention than your 40D though ;)

    Apps? Gimme Doom, Quake, Dragon Age: Origins, Avatar, Grand Theft Auto IV, Halo 3, and Resident Evil 5, for a start.

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