What's coming?
I'm told we'll be seeing a slew of PowerShot cameras announced. Including high end ELPH/IXUS models.

We will see 1 or 2 SLR's announced alongside the  point & shoots.

There will be at least 1 Rebel announced. The possible 2nd SLR “sounds like a 60D”.

From this source it's unknown at the moment.

As always, we'll keep you posted.


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  1. I hope some day we see a DPP that we can actually use without wanting to throw the computer out the window.

    I get the best results from DPP, it’s the only thing I want to use for quality sakes, but boy oh boy, it’s UI is frustratingly awful.

    Please sort it out canon!!!!!!

  2. Maarten Hustinx on

    You’re right, of course they wouldn’t. But choosing a brand is a very definitive decision. It means I will buy 2 or 3 lenses suitable for full frame, and other accessories. In that way I bind myself to that brand. that’s why I want to choose wisely.

    Several of my family members have Canon DSLR’s. I can use and borrow their accessories. that’s why I want a “canon d90”. question is whether it’s worth waiting for some rumored camera that may be far too expensive.

    Obviously I’m thinking way too far ahead.

    I think I’ve already made up my mind though. I think nikon is a good bet. As several people have already suggested their sensor development is more about quality than pixel quantity.

  3. I think you are spot on on this from a consumer point of view. A 7d is too expensive for me and has more bells and whistles than most serious consumers need (e.g., 8 fps photo, 60fps video). I am hoping for a 60d with similar specs to what you suggest with a $300/400 discount. I will be the first in line to make my order to upgrade from my Rebel.

  4. Well, this is just me, but your sentiment for a camera is not to be under valued, I personally enjoy shooting on the canon and even the sony bodies more then the nikons, that’s not to say there’s anything wrong with the nikon bodies it’s just my preference.

    I think a second hand 40D might be good to tie you over if your interested in sticking with canon, if your not then pick yourself up a D90 and get out there and shoot!

    One final note, as was pointed out, the auto correction stuff (CA and illumination) is only useful if you have a particular work flow, if you don’t shoot a lot of jpg and process your raws in non manufacturer software they won’t do much. If you are a raw shooter and use photoshop, just buy which ever camera “feels” the best to shoot and learn to live/work around it’s flaws.

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